To TP266: Thx.........
, but I just think the photo is not sharp enough............and the color is somewhat different from the actual. The tank is almost 2 months................
To Raymok1: Thx for your suggestion, but no money
To keisuke: actually, something changed........
1. 牛毛毯生多左.........
2. the wood become green in color.....
3. some more fishes.....
To Ken+, thx, I will.........
To jefflicv1 & Raymok2:
Thx for your suggestion...........
Actually, before I set up this tank, I already have a 構思 subject: African 草原 & 枯樹............
So, I would like to have the plants and fishes (except working fishes) only originally found in Afria or world wide distributed (can be found in Africa), and those plant can create a scene of 草原 & 枯樹........
So, I don't have much choices, and finally, I choose only 3 to 4 kinds of plants:
1. 牛毛毯 2. "net grass" 3. "triangle moss" 4. four color lotus.......(I don't sure rather 4. will suit the whole scene....)
Up to now, the 牛毛毯 so far so good...........and I am waiting for the "bagged net grass" from 大自x, which cost only @5x or @6X..........the @180 net grass from Fat Kee is too expensive to me la.............
And I will plan "triangle moss" later when the water temp. get lower.......Finally, I will try to plan four color lotus.......
For the fishes, I will add some "blue eye 鱂", and I will eliminate the South American fishes from the tank............