ysaihoi 寫:
Is 水蘭 陰性草? If yes, I've seen some 水蘭 are as tall as 簣藻, are there some mini-水蘭?can I put them at the front?Where can I buy it?
Do u mean put 水榕on the wood?
...I would say, yes, 水蘭 is 陰性草, but there are many kinds of 水蘭,you can check this photo. Some of them need more light, some not! mini-水蘭 can be put inside shadow and growing well. It also can be put at the front. For a little time,(maybe need Co2) they will grow all over the ground, like grassland, easy and good. You can sometime found them at "Fat Tat fish"(Oh! sorry, now "Fat Tat fish" has moved and change to new name "Hong Kong Aquaworld X X.").
Yes, 水榕on the wood. 水榕 is easy, no light no Co2 still ok. Don't look down it because of their cheap price, 水榕 root can grow on the wood and make a wild forest feel. I quit like it. Sometime they can open flower easily.
Generally, light ,Co2 ,fertilize and growing speed of plant is at positive ratio. So in your situation, strong light with "NO" Co2 will break their balance. It makes algea grow more faster than the plants(algea grow fast in light with no Co2). It's what I am worrying about for you
Please let me say, I still suggest u to put Co2, then u will find out that there is much more funny than u think! Thanx