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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-06-24 10:40 

註冊時間: 2003-05-19 12:46
文章: 151
來自: City of Angel
I've tired to DIY this 6x cooling fan after the failure of using DIY water cooler.

1 - $10 only PC 12cm ball bearing cooling fan (12V, 0.3A) x 6.

It's the cheapest PC fan I've seen in Golden and Ap Lui Street as it's ball bearing. U can buy it at the shop which is next to the escalator at the Golden's basement. Another one from Japan cost $20 only.

2 - $150 Electronic transformer (12V, 5A)

I use the one which I bought for the water cooler and I think U can choose the cheaper one if U like.

Before turning on the 72W light in a 24" tank - 26C
After turning on the light - 29.5C :j
Then switching on the 6x cooling fan - 25.5C :-n04

The performance is very satisfactory as it can keep the temp same to the room temp after turning on the light. Now, I connect it with a timer switch so that the light and the fan would be switched on and off at the same time.

Comparing to the cooling in the market,
1. this fan is bigger in size (12cm vs 8 cm) and more powerful
2. it is very quite :c !
3. it use electronic transformer (same to the one used by mobile phone) is very safe (low heat) and I can turn it on all the time.

In addition, DIY is very simple and I only use "heating glue" and "plastic trip" to tide them up! U can PM me if U're interested in it or any help is needed. :-n05



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