I saw many ppl talking about DIY T5 tube here and I agree T5 is good.
Anyway, I've a alternative suggestion to use DIY PL lighting becuase it's easier to maintance. The following is my "little suggestion" for a 24" tank and you may consider it as a reference
2 x 20" 36W Holland made Philip PL tubes ($56x2, the shop "Wu Chun" next to public toliet at ap lui street)
2x China made electronic transformer: $30 x 2 (the same shop)
Electric wire, switch and socket: around $30 at Ap Lui Street
Lighting case: Same to T5
Comapring to T5 tubes (72W), the electic part only costs around $200 ($40 x 5 for 14W T5 tubes x 5)but the light quality of Philip tube is much better.
I hope the above information would be useful!