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 文章主題 : [分享]Bad Example
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 03:21 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong
This is my cabinet for grass tank..........
Everything is good, except:
1. almost impossible to 散熱
2. inside the cabinet, very 潮濕, no more suitable to put things
3. since the space is TOO fit, very difficult to set up.....especially the water piping to filter.
4. difficult to change water.
鬼叫自己當初懶係完美主義咩..... :l


 文章主題 : [討論]
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 03:26 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 04:34 

註冊時間: 2002-04-12 11:10
文章: 545
來自: Tai Po --- Hong Kong
Ken T:

Exactly what I told you before???!!!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 09:49 

註冊時間: 2003-04-09 01:03
文章: 444
來自: Monkey Island
係柜頂開個抽氣扇出風口啦, 好似廚房抽油煙機咁, 有條大油煙喉! 加把風扇吹風出黎, 相信可改善潮濕及溫度問題!
咁所有架生都放晒o係廚房, 換水又方便, 客廳望埋去又睇唔到 d 架生!! 正!!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 10:27 

註冊時間: 2003-05-19 12:46
文章: 151
來自: City of Angel

It really looks good althought there are some problems that you mentioned. I always DIY at home and I can provide you with some suggestions.

As I'm not good at typing Chinese and I can fax a suggested drawing for your reference.

U can leave me your contact no. or fax no. if U like.


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 10:36 

註冊時間: 2003-04-10 23:54
文章: 171
Is it true that the CO2 bottle should far from any electric products?
very 潮濕 = short circuit
HQI = too hot


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 11:38 

註冊時間: 2002-07-12 13:28
文章: 59
It seems that there is some spaces between your tank and the wooden cover. You can add a blower fan (near your HQI) and air ducts to exhaust all air and heat from the cabinet.

Not use the domestic type, it is the industrial type. You may contact some air-conditioning worker for details.

You can use a fan size of 20 air-change/hour of the cabnet size.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 14:45 

註冊時間: 2003-05-19 12:46
文章: 151
來自: City of Angel
Mr Perfect 寫:
Is it true that the CO2 bottle should far from any electric products?
very 潮濕 = short circuit
HQI = too hot


Yes...hot would cause the explosive of compressed air storage device..be careful!

Ventilation fan is a must for your tank!


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 15:04 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong
kit 寫:
Ken T:

Exactly what I told you before???!!!

yup..........but b4 you told me, I have already make everything, and I started to install / assemble them a few day ago.........however, I not yet give up. :h
As what I say b4, I leave a 20mm groove between the doors for ventilation. And I already buy a 120mm fan and a 錫紙喉, I am going to make the fan to draw cool air from outside to blow on the HQI set.

Also, to prevent moisture, I plan to add a acrylic sheet to cover the tank. Can anybody tell me will it also separate the tank water from the heat created by HQI?

 文章主題 : [討論]
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 15:41 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong
Mr Perfect 寫:
Is it true that the CO2 bottle should far from any electric products?
very 潮濕 = short circuit
HQI = too hot

1. CO2 is not inflammable gas like town gas or 石油氣, electric products completely no problem with CO2, actually 電磁伐 is a must for CO2 (otherwise, can you show me how to use CO2 without 電磁伐?) and CO2 is normally used to 滅火...
2. my CO2 bottle is place at a cool place far away from HQI
(the space is even cooler than room temp. since the CO2 bottle 漏氣 :-n06 :-n06 )
3. very 潮濕 = short circuit.......咁又未潮濕到如此地步.........of couse I will try to improve this problem.
4. HQI = too hot....... yes, I know, so, I fix it with metal structure, from the view of "hot", there is no different between what I am using and the HQI set from fish street.
5. DIY SUICIDE...............I dont know how to reply your opinion, in my mind, no try, no design, no thinking, no practice, then your life will be meaningless.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-22 16:34 

註冊時間: 2002-12-14 19:19
文章: 88
來自: 西環&沙田
Ken T

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-23 11:55 

註冊時間: 2003-04-10 23:54
文章: 171
Hey! Safty is more important than anything
CO2 is not inflammable but the compressed CO2 bottle can be explosed by high tempature because of pressure. If you think OK, its alright
very 潮濕 = short circuit <- it may not happen in the coming months, but It will happen in the coming years because the HQI adaptor and electric wire are not waterproof . I lost 2 FL lights because of simply because of moisture
You can see more moisture in winter when the your tank heater started.

And if you put the acrylic sheet to cover the tank, your tank water will high up to 3x degrees even if the room tempature is 2x degrees.
HQI = too hot <- the main point is that you are keeping the hot air in the cabinet.

I think you should remove the door at the top.

 文章主題 : [討論]
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-23 16:11 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong
"Safty is more important than anything "
Yup, agree, but DIY =/= unsafe, in fact, before I take any action, I the first thing I consider is safety.

"compressed CO2 bottle can be explosed by high tempature"
Yup, also agree......but
1. the CO2 bottle I am using is exactly the one people put at 後樓梯 for 滅火(except the head).......in other words, it is expected to be used in 火警..........you can imagine how easy it get exploded
2. I have state already, the space I put the CO2 bottle is exactly at room temperature, which is far away from HQI, and the heat from HQI cannot reach the CO2 bottle.
Can you tell me exactly what's your concern about my CO2?

"very 潮濕 = short circuit <- it may not happen in the coming months, but It will happen in the coming years because the HQI adaptor and electric wire are not waterproof . I lost 2 FL lights because of simply because of moisture "

In fact, I don't expect my HQI can use many years.......all lighting devices have their lifespan, even in normal condition, they expired periodically. You lost 2 FL not 一定 due to 潮濕, even due to 潮濕, it won't 一定 cause short circuit. If really short circuit, the MCB in your home should 跳掣, if not 跳掣, then, it is the safety problem of the electricity system of your home....

I am now considering about the "acrylic sheet".........after covering the tank.1. it will block the tank water from the heat sourse, so, less heat, however, 2. it prevent the evaporation of tank water, so the more hot............I dont know which one is correct..............

Finally, thx for suggesting to remove the doors, however, I think keep the doors open b4 I solve the problems can have the same effect.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-23 22:26 

註冊時間: 2002-05-20 01:53
文章: 180
來自: 土瓜灣
考慮美觀/成本/效能後... 換百葉門我覺得係最好方法. 應該都係一百幾十吧了, 值的. 條罅實在唔夠位通風, 有呢個限制好惡搞.. 如果已經買晒料, 都一試無妨o既~

如果係我會係百葉門內側橫板下安兩把較大的風扇吹出, 咁熱空氣向上之下自不然有冷空氣從下面的罅位及百葉門內抽入.

安水冷的話要諗埋散熱問題... 考慮到吹出的熱風會入左屋... 開冷氣可能係更好的選擇. 如熱氣未能排出屋外, 熱的始終不外乎係魚定係你 水氣其實有助個缸降溫, 所以膠片唔係咁好..

以上愚見僅供參考, 多謝你失敗左都影相分享. 呢個 setup 好鬼企理, 希望早日成功! 另有幾個問題... 現在開門/閉門下的水溫多少? 屋企係埋成日有人? 櫃內的氣溫&濕度探過嗎?

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-24 22:13 

註冊時間: 2002-02-24 15:27
文章: 452
來自: Hong Kong
玻璃 寫:
考慮美觀/成本/效能後... 換百葉門我覺得係最好方法. 應該都係一百幾十吧了, 值的. 條罅實在唔夠位通風, 有呢個限制好惡搞.. 如果已經買晒料, 都一試無妨o既~~~~~~~~~

以上愚見僅供參考, 多謝你失敗左都影相分享. 呢個 setup 好鬼企理, 希望早日成功! 另有幾個問題... 現在開門/閉門下的水溫多少? 屋企係埋成日有人? 櫃內的氣溫&濕度探過嗎?

Thx so much for your suggestions, actually, this is exactyly what I think. If I cannot successfully utilize the groove to solve the problems, the last step I will do is to replace with a pair of louvre doors.
For you questions,
I set the timer to turn the light on at 8pm to 1am (since new tank, shorter lighting). I open the doors when the lights turned on and close the doors in the next morning. At this stage, without any fans and ventilation system, the tank water maintians at 30 to 31degree throughout the day.........but I not yet measure the 氣溫&濕度 in the cabinet (what I am doing now is just: a. light turn on, doors open; b. light turn off, doors closed.......)

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