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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-06 09:16 

註冊時間: 2011-04-26 09:18
文章: 31




未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-06 10:04 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
No way. You have to keep it. What is your Eden501 for? That is, how large is your tank and what do you have inside?

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-06 11:25 

註冊時間: 2011-05-12 16:33
文章: 29
我估換左D質素比較好的生物環比較好D (原裝果D好流下.....)

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-06 14:37 

註冊時間: 2011-04-26 09:18
文章: 31
Fish Fan 寫:
No way. You have to keep it. What is your Eden501 for? That is, how large is your tank and what do you have inside?

14" tank
18-20L water
有大量水草(滿缸) ...牛毛,太郎,莫絲+少少浮平!!
LED 3wx8 =24w
開始有黑毛,現在隔天用1ml excel,光照改為每日5小時 .... 觀察中
玻璃上的青台就生得好快,一星期就要擦一次玻璃 :cry:

其實我係用dazs 100 濾筒
而家有3份2 MA環同3份1白綿
如果轉用PH S環會否較好 ??

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-06 20:33 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
s108: Some problems with your setup that may cause the Black Beard Algae:

1. Eden 501 is not enough for your 14" tank.
2. You have 40 隻水晶蝦. How often and how much do you feed them?
3. I have no experience with LED. Will 3Wx8 be too much for your tank?
4. Your lighting hour is wrong for plants. You should have at least 8 hours a day.
5. Are you sure you have 3-5 bubbles per sec of CO2 supply? All your creatures and shrimps should have died.
6. 白缐虫 means bad water condition. How often and how much do you change water?
7. "其實我係用dazs 100 濾筒"... What exactly is your filtration system? Eden 501 or Dazs 100?

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-07 10:09 

註冊時間: 2011-04-26 09:18
文章: 31
Fish Fan 寫:
s108: Some problems with your setup that may cause the Black Beard Algae:

1. Eden 501 is not enough for your 14" tank.
2. You have 40 隻水晶蝦. How often and how much do you feed them?
3. I have no experience with LED. Will 3Wx8 be too much for your tank?
4. Your lighting hour is wrong for plants. You should have at least 8 hours a day.
5. Are you sure you have 3-5 bubbles per sec of CO2 supply? All your creatures and shrimps should have died.
6. 白缐虫 means bad water condition. How often and how much do you change water?
7. "其實我係用dazs 100 濾筒"... What exactly is your filtration system? Eden 501 or Dazs 100?

1. 我係用dazs 100的,因唔想開濾筒影相,唯有在google找類型差不多的相片來發問.
2. 之前兩日比一塊ada bee ,晚上落,早上夾走,現在已停糧一星期!!
3. 18-20L水用24w led燈係強了一點,所以每日只照5 hour
4. lighting 8 hours a day 會否令黑毛更旺盛 ??
5. I'm sure 3-5 bubbles per sec of CO2 supply ! 每日打5 hour ,可能係d草夠多,冇死過蝦.
6. 隔日换5飯碗水,同時加入1ml Excel,己一星期了,黑毛未見有太大改善 :embs:
7. 我係用dazs 100的

thanks for your help !!

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-07-07 20:44 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
s108: To answer your questions:
1. 我係用dazs 100的,因唔想開濾筒影相,唯有在google找類型差不多的相片來發問. Noted.
2. 之前兩日比一塊ada bee ,晚上落,早上夾走,現在已停糧一星期!! I don't have experience for shrimps. Let other c hings help. But in general, stop feeding would lead to death of shrimps. I'd prefer increase the frequency/ volume of changing water.
3. 18-20L水用24w led燈係強了一點,所以每日只照5 hour That doesn't make any sense. You should have weaker light and extend the lighting hour to 8 hours. On the same basis, you cannot eat 5 bowls of rice at one time in the morning and stop having lunch and dinner.
4. lighting 8 hours a day 會否令黑毛更旺盛 ?? Try to increase CO2 level and use syringe to apply Excel.
5. I'm sure 3-5 bubbles per sec of CO2 supply ! 每日打5 hour ,可能係d草夠多,冇死過蝦. Good luck. BTW, can you post a photo here? And what kind of plants do you have?
6. 隔日换5飯碗水,同時加入1ml Excel,己一星期了,黑毛未見有太大改善 Like I said, use syringe to apply Excel. It's hard to tell whether "隔日换5飯碗水" is enough or not.
7. 我係用dazs 100的 Noted.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

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