多謝兩位師兄的無私的指點. 使我獲益不淺.
我的魚蝦真係無乜點死. 剛爬文抓到一些資料, 如下:
Liquid fertilizers are not required for new tanks in the first 3 months. Otherwise, algae will burst. BTW, are you using ADA soil? Also, your pH of 6.8 for a new tank is quite high. Probably, the rocks you're using inside the tank affect the pH value. After 3-4 months, the soil layer will stop releasing acidic materials and your pH will jet up higher. Keep an eye on it, and try to keep the pH value at around 6.5.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=172870可能ADA泥在初開缸三四個月在釋放酸, 所以PH才那麼低, 我諗要耐心等多一陣, 等d泥停止釋放酸.