victorc 寫:
主要想問幾時用根肥同幾時用液肥 3 months after the tank has been set up.
見其他人話根肥埋在底層主要比根吸收, Yes又會溶上水面,比埋葉吸叫 No. You have to ensure that the sticks are put at least 0.5-1" beneath the soil layer. If the sticks are exposed on the soil surface, soon you'll have algae burst.
甘係唔係泥底種大部份草就唔使用根肥呢 No
定係用左根肥,可以唔使用液肥呢 That's wrong. They are of different purpose. You should apply both of them.
我用緊隻液肥(魚街買,綠色招紙,話可以同鐵肥合用,同牌子仲有隻紅色招紙的鐵肥).本來想買d鐵丸做補充(在肥料版見幾年前有ching用true的iron做實驗),不過我而家在watsons找不到啦 I'd suggest not to put anything inside the tank that you don't know.
家中的水草好似唔係好綠,d 莖又幼,不過仲係生緊的.會係缺咩呢 Not necessarily due to lack of fertilizers. Most of the time, it is because there is not enough lighting so they "追光".
唔知各位有咩肥料介紹呢(最好平d啦). ADA's series: Step 2, Brighty K, Special Light, Iron Bottom Sticks, Multi Bottom Sticks, and Seachem Iron, Trace. That's what I am using.