keisuke 寫:
hmmm...architects are talking about the way of Design.
"Data" is supported by engineers but NOT architects.
somehow, contemporary architects (including foreign architects) study the ANCIENT Feng Shui for orientation. actually, Feng Shui is scientific, too. when u go to english book store, u can find a lot of Feng Shui books which are written by foreigner. It simplify and modernize Feug Shui in a comfortable/comtemporary way.
this is not superstition but comfort!
i know u have open bedroom and i love open bedroom design too. i think if ur home is not big, it is
POSSIBLE to set up a tank at the end of bedroom. this tank can be designed as a fake wall. (i got one, too but it divides my sitting room and living room) However, i think u have to hide all the detail, eg. sockets, HQI (not glare). it may look more comfortable. If u dun mind, u can draw a draft Floor Plan to show me (PM or open post). So that, i can advise u further detail.
Be honestly, 太陽草老人 is rite definitely. i am sensitive on electric appliances. if i open too much electric appliances during sleeping, i will suffer from headache next day morning. (perhaps, u are strong enough to cover it)
Let's test...did u have any Nokia mobile? if yes, try to make a call with it for 5 mins. i will get headache after using it! BTW, i am not sure if it is a suitable test ...heheeeee =P
have fun!