Fish Fan 寫:
Yes, 6500K is suitable for plants. But you can't simply replace the tubes. 'cos standard T5HO tubes are of 24W each. Like I said, Cyber Aqua tubes are not genuine T5HO and the wattage is also different from standard.
If you have too much space inside the canister, you can just fill it up with bio-rings.
T5HO 正如你所講是至少 24W 長2呎 開始,之後就 39W 3呎; 54 4呎...
我現在的光管只是 16W 長1呎 ,咁不是 T5HO 燈架......
現在目標是找 T5 16W 6500k 光管,希望找到啦.....有冇好介紹??
其實另一支管已經黑黑地,相信命不久,真係成組燈換 定 換光管好??
如果買新,好似原裝光管多數係 10000k .......如果再配 6500k 右好似好浪費...
除生物環外,還有生物石($310 2L) 及 生物珠($380 2L) 及 生物球 (不肯定名稱,黑色膠做的 ($1 3粒(細)))......
另 生物球 是否都加入濾水器中??