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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-10-10 12:53 

註冊時間: 2004-11-09 18:13
文章: 43
小弟開缸大概3個月, 資料如下:
魚缸: 30 長 x 13.深 x 13高 (about 80 L water)
燈: ADA Na (18w X 2) + Philips PL 365 (36w X 2)
燈照: 19:00 to 23:00
瀘水: set 1: E仔 2215 (全phs) (動力) + 前置 2213 (3/4白棉 & 1/4 SEACHEM DE NITRATE)
set 2: E仔2213 (全phs) (動力) + 前置 2211 (3/4 ma 環 & 白棉)
泥: ADA 1代 黑泥 and ADA II 代 幼泥+ power sand +ADA PENAC P + PENAC W +BACTER 100 +
Co2: up牌 和燈同步開 (晚上關燈 & Co2 後打氣)
裝色: 沈木 + 山谷石
Cooler: Arctica Mini (用以上set 1 2215 推) set 25 度
植物: 三角moss + 迷矮 + 迷你牛毛 + 蓬尾台 + 浮泙
補品: 蒙脫石 + 太古海泥右
水質: (沒打co2 PH: 7.0),有打co2 PH: 6.4 / N02: 2 / NO3: 1-5 / GH: 6 / KH: 2
生物:水晶蝦 約20隻
最近每曰都有死蝦, 有大有細, 不知是否跟ph太高有關, 想請教各前輩有什麼增酸急救之法 (除了返缸, 因只開了3個月), 增酸都不外乎 - 1.加酸葉 2.草泥丸 3. 軟水樹枝 4. 黑水5. 加強co2 6. 加泥......等等, 小弟就諗住加強co2, 甚至24小時長開 (關燈後, 就co2加打氣同步), 如果要加泥, 有什麼牌子好, ADA紅泥, UP泥..., 就着我的情况, 各前輩有什建議, 急,謝謝

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-10-10 22:49 

註冊時間: 2010-09-06 19:29
文章: 44
來自: 天水圍

最後由 kenny_law 於 2014-02-18 07:24 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-10-11 01:35 

註冊時間: 2006-02-16 00:40
文章: 944
your PH level seemed ok. I'd only worry about the difference of PH (7) with vs without CO2 (6.4). I'd rather to suggest reduce sligthly the CO2 level.

did you add fertiliser to the soil bottom? sometimes toxic chemical in the bottom can be stirred up by accident - causing shrimp death...

BTW, NO2 and NO3 is concerning. both should be zero (or near zero). with good plants they absorb all NH3 and leave nothing to produce NO2 (very toxic). It's strange u have that NO2, NO3 measurement after 3 month setup of your tank, given the setup of your filter systems. I got only one Eheim 2224 for my 30" tank (almost same size as yours). NO2/No3 measurement is all zero after one month. And I never measure them again.

also suggest u to start changing 1/4 water on daily basis or every other day to stabilise the tank first.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-10-11 09:16 

註冊時間: 2004-11-09 18:13
文章: 43
Thanks minsc99. I have used fertiliser but not using soil bottm. I did use "ADA Brighty K" and "Step 2", applying each of one drop every other week. Regarding NO2 and NO3, I will keep checking and change water, hoping the reading of both getting zero soon. Thanks anyway and i will update the development

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