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 文章主題 : 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 15:08 

註冊時間: 2010-09-23 01:07
文章: 5
I'm using a small 10 liter tank for water plant.
Using a hang on filter and Co2 pill.
My question is when I put in the Co2 pill do I have to close my filter and how long the Co2 will stay in the tank?
Do I have to put 1 pill per day?
Any suggestion for constantly supply Co2 in the tank?

Thanks for any C hing for helping. :)

And after I put the Co2 pill my plant wont make bubble....its that a problem?

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 15:30 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
CO2 pills are just jokes. Buy a decent CO2 set.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 15:48 

註冊時間: 2010-09-23 01:07
文章: 5
i have no fish for now since i just set the tank for 4 days.
Do I have to keep the filter on for 24 hours?
or off it when light and Co2 on?

And how when I got fish inside?

Thx alots

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 21:52 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
hotren: You'd better read more info before proceed with anything. To answer your questions:

1. "Do I have to keep the filter on for 24 hours?" Yes, you do. The filtration system should be on 7/24.
2. The hours of lighting and CO2 supply can be synchronized. I assume that you have plants inside. To avoid algae burst, you can start with 4 hours each day, and increase 1 hour each week until 8 hours a day.
3. Keep changing water is a good practice for daily maintenance. At least you have to change 1/3 water each week.
4. You can add 1-2 fishes inside the tank and see if they can survive. It helps build up the bacteria purifying system, too. Remember, never over feed the fish or it may deteriorate the water condition.
5. BTW, how large is your tank? The exact dimension please.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 22:04 

註冊時間: 2010-09-23 01:07
文章: 5
tank size: 29cm x 26cm x 18.5cm
its a very small tank so I dont think to buy a CO2 set.
I would try a D.I.Y 1 or a manually press gas form CO2 ( Im not sure what that called ).
Do you heard flourish excel before? its that good?
Between I still using CO2 tablets now.

How is consider over feed?


 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 22:14 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
hotren 寫:
tank size: 29cm x 26cm x 18.5cm So your tank is of around 13L of water.
its a very small tank so I dont think to buy a CO2 set. It's wrong. All plants need CO2 to carry out photosynthesis.
I would try a D.I.Y 1 or a manually press gas form CO2 ( Im not sure what that called ). You'd better DIY. I have never heard of any "press gas form".
Do you heard flourish excel before? its that good? Excel is to supplement carbon but has excellent side effect of removing a certain kind of algae. It's not a replacement of CO2.
Between I still using CO2 tablets now.

How is consider over feed? Make sure the food is cleared within 1 minute. If you're going to have a planted tank, you may feed 2-3 times a week.


24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 22:46 

註冊時間: 2010-09-23 01:07
文章: 5
"Many plants are able to extract carbon from some small organic compounds. This ability is taken advantage of with the Seachem product Flourish Excel. This is usually a good choice for smaller tanks because of cost prohibitions and because it is just not feasible in large tanks where so much CO2 is needed. Five milliliters of Flourish Excel is added per 10 gallons of water 2-3 times a week."
This is what I read from a article.. some people suggest that excel can produce enough CO2 for a small tank like me.. Its this work?

The press 1 is some sort of CO2 container bottle like the CO2 setting just u have to press manually to pump CO2 in the tank. It's like some air fresher perfume like that.

My tank is too small for a proper CO2 set expensive thou.

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 23:14 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
hotren: So you see, it's all talking about carbon but not carbon dioxide. That's two different things.

For your case, I'd suggest DIY CO2 if you have budget concern.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

 文章主題 : Re: 新人 CO2 problem
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-09-26 23:17 

註冊時間: 2010-09-23 01:07
文章: 5
ok...i will try to make 1....thx alot fish fan...
really appreciate ur help....

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