nakato 寫:
bank of the tank即係後面? Sorry, it's a typo... should be "back of the tank".
如果出水放後面,咁我抽水果條放左或右都冇所謂喇,係咪? Yes.
咁果個抽水花籃有冇話最少要高過泥面幾多? As close to the bottom as possible.
co2同抽水係咪要一左一右咁放? I'd suggest to place the CO2 on the water outlet so that the water flow will help circulate the CO2 around the tank.
買邊隻牌子較好?ada係咪好易令d水變黃? No. ADA I is the best. The problem of yellowish colour exists only at the very beginning. In fact, I don't have such problem at all.
我咁細個缸...係咁只係用泥都足夠...唔駛用其他野鋪底先? Yes. For tanks less than 24", you can simply use soil. If you really want to have them, use only Penac P, Penac W and Tourmaline BC.
邊隻石係唔太貴,又唔太影響ph值架? Sorry, I don't have any experience about stones. Far as I can recall, 火山石 is the best choice in terms of price and pH value. Let other c hings help.
sorry~bro fish fan~我太多問題喇~