Creammy: Just for your info: 1. 泥 (日本尼索黑泥,之後睇返本網站先知新手應入ada1代會好d) I have no experience in "日本尼索黑泥". ADAI should be good enough. 2. 燈 (cyber aqua 8w T5) 兩組共4支管 Colour temperature is the key. Make sure the tubes are of 6500K. For your tank size, you'd better have 48W of light. Otherwise, you may consider to have 陰草 only. Remember, you tank is of 16" tall, T5 may not be strong enough. Choose T5HO, instead. 3. 用濾水器會浪費左d co2 <-- 咁即係叫我唔好用 ? If you're talking about hang-on filters, yes, that's true. So that's why people are using canisters for planted tanks. 4. 跟住早上再抓文, 見到有位ching出左張相, 講佢套system, 係co2直入濾水器嘅出水喉, 咁就會減低對 co2嘅浪費 ? That's one of the ways. However, some c hings say this will affect the bacteria purifying system inside the canister. Also, there will be a chance that CO2 are accumulated inside the canister. 5. 想講問各位ching, 濾水器點買法先好 ? (牌子/型號) If you don't have budget concern, Eheim is always the best. You may need 2217 as you have over 55L of water. 6. 而家嘅燈 , 足夠將來水草生長嗎 ? (作為起步, 及將來嘔泡) No. You may refer to the reasons above. 7. 會係缸底落泥之前加d 污物和微量元素 這樣做會提供底床大量的細菌,所以能發展得更快速,並能提供水草足夠的營養。咁樣做開個頭, 之後須要再增加/補給 這些東西嗎 ? Never use anything you don't know. For your tank size, you don't need such things at all. 8. 唔同牌子嘅生物環, 真的有分別嗎 ? Yes, there is. However, the impact may be minimal comparing with the price you pay. In short, MA (Mr Aqua) is already good enough for most cases.
_________________ 24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini GLO T5HO 24Wx2 Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec ADA Amazonia New