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 文章主題 : 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-06 05:14 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
睇過之前大家既POST, 想開个4呎鲷堡.
睇過新華行有个78"高X48"長X18"深. 另外一个係84"高X48"長X18"深,但覺得84"好似真係太高.
見鱼鋪缸背後有位放慮材及綿做過慮,好似好方便. 若水質出問題,好似好大件事(D鱼). 如果獨立缸用水妖,會否較好呢? 換水方面需用BUCKET少少咁換?
另外,人總係貪心,搞得鲷架更係越多缸越好. 除架底剩5"位PUMP水用,其余剩下73"做4層. 即每層18". 如缸高11",另7"為工作位是否足夠? (什物會放在另一个4呎缸櫃內)
我不識駁电,請問有沒有現成光管燈座安在層板底. 在深水埗嗎? (鱼缸燈安在缸頂實在太阻工作位了)

P.S. 不知24"長X11"高既缸是否足夠養龍纹呢?

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-06 05:15 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-09 18:10 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:cry: anybody home?

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-10 17:42 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
大件事喇, 鳳尾,女皇,同新買既泰西好似有d黃,依家無缸用. 2个細缸比三線bb同一對鳳尾住左,(對至愛女皇同靚靚泰西開似黃+小小克腳)重係大草缸.

新華架 : 48"長 x 12"深 x 84"高
分四層 :
頂層 : 8"長 x 12"深 x 12"高 (共6個缸)
中高層 : 左边及右邊 12"長 x 12"深 x 12"高, 中間 24"長 x 12"深 x 12"高 (共3个缸)
中低層 : 12"長 x 12"深 x 12"高 (共4個缸)
低層 : 8"長 x 12"深 x 12"高 (共6個缸)

架底留5"位. 每層有19"左右. 減去12"缸高,仍有7"工作位.
air pump 用海利v30來推20个水妖可以嗎? air pump 會放在地下.
燈 : 有没有現成光管連燈左,电線,电掣可安在層板底下?

這setting 及呎吋可以嗎?

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-10 17:44 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-10 19:39 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:grin: Please comment about size of tank and such.


 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-23 04:13 

註冊時間: 2004-01-17 18:45
文章: 2464
來自: 地球 - 大埔
7"扣埋燈位你唔夠位伸手撈魚.......做相連缸嘅話先諗掂左邊點至見唔到右邊...........24"x12"x12" 唔夠養一對龍紋........鯛缸long side 最好有14"-16"事關領域範圍~12",跳缸會較小出現.......




 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-24 01:19 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:o 7" still not enough?
做相連缸嘅話先諗掂左邊點至見唔到右邊 ~ Do you mean that the glass in between must be block to each other so the fish won't see the next tank? I thought it is not necessary, as most of the shop's tank is see through.
24"x12"x12" 唔夠養一對龍紋 ~ how about if 24" Length x 18" depth x 12" height. I am thinking of having 18" depth rank instead of 12".
鯛缸long side 最好有14"-16"事關領域範圍~12",跳缸會較小出現....... ~ if the tank is having 18" depth, so it should be all right?


 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-24 04:33 

註冊時間: 2004-01-17 18:45
文章: 2464
來自: 地球 - 大埔
Imagine how awesome u put yr hand inside a 5" gap & need move around & work w/ tools ......

Yap, I do mean that, Apisto seeing other around all the time is NO GOOD for reproduction, coloring......... Most Apisto keeping in individual/Isolate tank is more colorful than 混養缸Don't take aqua shop's as your model coz the design propose is difference...........

I have no experience to keep 龍紋, but from books & other Apisto fans all saying not smaller than 30" & better in 36", & I don't think 8-9" water depth is deep enough ..... water volume, depth & tank size are all major factor to drive yr fish growth size........

Other Apisto tanks' long side got 14" or more is good enough....... short side shouldn't less than 8"......... I kept my A. Beta "tafe" in 10"x16" tanks, they all grow to SL 3.5"+




 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-24 21:16 

註冊時間: 2004-05-10 12:06
文章: 1365
來自: 富豪水族 旺角道97號,王子大廈,1/F N室(馬會樓上)
老柯 寫:
Imagine how awesome u put yr hand inside a 5" gap & need move around & work w/ tools ......

Yap, I do mean that, Apisto seeing other around all the time is NO GOOD for reproduction, coloring......... Most Apisto keeping in individual/Isolate tank is more colorful than 混養缸Don't take aqua shop's as your model coz the design propose is difference...........

I have no experience to keep 龍紋, but from books & other Apisto fans all saying not smaller than 30" & better in 36", & I don't think 8-9" water depth is deep enough ..... water volume, depth & tank size are all major factor to drive yr fish growth size........

Other Apisto tanks' long side got 14" or more is good enough....... short side shouldn't less than 8"......... I kept my A. Beta "tafe" in 10"x16" tanks, they all grow to SL 3.5"+

Hi 老柯
How are you ?
Long time no see :grin:

富豪水族 自家進口零售及批發
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VolvoAquarium? ... voAquarium
旺角道97號,王子大廈,1/F N室(惠康 樓上)
(如大閘關上請按對講機 1 N)
電話:26213698/61369581 jacky

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-24 23:45 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
老柯 寫:
Imagine how awesome u put yr hand inside a 5" gap & need move around & work w/ tools ......

Yap, I do mean that, Apisto seeing other around all the time is NO GOOD for reproduction, coloring......... Most Apisto keeping in individual/Isolate tank is more colorful than 混養缸Don't take aqua shop's as your model coz the design propose is difference...........

I have no experience to keep 龍紋, but from books & other Apisto fans all saying not smaller than 30" & better in 36", & I don't think 8-9" water depth is deep enough ..... water volume, depth & tank size are all major factor to drive yr fish growth size........

Other Apisto tanks' long side got 14" or more is good enough....... short side shouldn't less than 8"......... I kept my A. Beta "tafe" in 10"x16" tanks, they all grow to SL 3.5"+

thanks alot!

for the working area, what's the height will be good?
this rack is for breeding only. once they grow, I will put all of them into my other 4' tank. the big tank size is 48" length x 18" width x 20" height. Do I still need a higher and longer tank of 36" for 龍紋 baby fish?
can you show me your rack's picture? :P or your picture, haha

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-08-01 18:39 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
what is the height of the tank is good for 龍紋?
the light will set up under the wood at the back of the tank. so, it shouldn't take much space for taking out the fishes, right?
My ideas now is make the width of the rack/tank to be 18" instead of 12".

i will show the drawing shortly.

 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-08-02 05:29 

註冊時間: 2004-01-17 18:45
文章: 2464
來自: 地球 - 大埔
volvo 寫:
老柯 寫:
Imagine how awesome u put yr hand inside a 5" gap & need move around & work w/ tools ......

Yap, I do mean that, Apisto seeing other around all the time is NO GOOD for reproduction, coloring......... Most Apisto keeping in individual/Isolate tank is more colorful than 混養缸Don't take aqua shop's as your model coz the design propose is difference...........

I have no experience to keep 龍紋, but from books & other Apisto fans all saying not smaller than 30" & better in 36", & I don't think 8-9" water depth is deep enough ..... water volume, depth & tank size are all major factor to drive yr fish growth size........

Other Apisto tanks' long side got 14" or more is good enough....... short side shouldn't less than 8"......... I kept my A. Beta "tafe" in 10"x16" tanks, they all grow to SL 3.5"+

Hi 老柯
How are you ?
Long time no see :grin:

Hi Jacky,

Yap, having see u almost a yr! Live is boring &n HARSH.......




 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-08-02 05:35 

註冊時間: 2004-01-17 18:45
文章: 2464
來自: 地球 - 大埔
leoo11 寫:
what is the height of the tank is good for 龍紋?
the light will set up under the wood at the back of the tank. so, it shouldn't take much space for taking out the fishes, right?
My ideas now is make the width of the rack/tank to be 18" instead of 12".

i will show the drawing shortly.

As before say, I have no experience keeping 龍紋, but on the size of a full growth fish, I may say 14"-16"......

Lighting set in the back? Tanks for reproduction? If so, bad idea. Apisto like "dim" enviroment..... & usually we put 鯛樽 at the back .........

have u check out other C Hings set up?




 文章主題 : Re: 4呎鲷堡問題
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-08-03 11:11 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
老柯 寫:
leoo11 寫:
what is the height of the tank is good for 龍紋?
the light will set up under the wood at the back of the tank. so, it shouldn't take much space for taking out the fishes, right?
My ideas now is make the width of the rack/tank to be 18" instead of 12".

i will show the drawing shortly.

As before say, I have no experience keeping 龍紋, but on the size of a full growth fish, I may say 14"-16"......

Lighting set in the back? Tanks for reproduction? If so, bad idea. Apisto like "dim" enviroment..... & usually we put 鯛樽 at the back .........

have u check out other C Hings set up?

what I meant is the light will be from the top, right under the wood of the racks. but, it will be install close to the back only.
:ugeek: if 14", then I can only have 3 layers. let me think think.

thanks alot cin.

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