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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-07-19 10:41 

註冊時間: 2010-07-19 10:19
文章: 1
In the 1970s, the advent of dichroic halogen lamps allowed high-quality accent lighting in retail, hospitality, museums and other applications. From the 1990s until now, compact metal halide lamps have also been used in these applications offering more ??punch?? (for example, highlighting of merchandise even against the higher background illumination levels of department stores) alongside improvements in longevity and energy consumption.
At the beginning of this decade, highbrightness LEDs showed the promise that more improvements still could be made in terms of longevity. However, until now, light output and efficacy, luminaire size and light quality compromises have been barriers to adoption.
According to energy effecient and enviroment friendly,we supply various kinds of LED lights,LED Spotlights,LED T8,LED Flexible Strip,LED road lights,LED flexible strip lights,LED table lamps,LED pendant lights,LED ceiling lights etc. Here is professional LED lights world,where you can get whatever you want.


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