Fish Fan 寫:
1. 我有個501 , 同埋一個掛濾..係唔係唔夠用? Eden 501 is alone is definitely not enough for a 24" tank. If you're going to have plants inside the tank, hang-on filters are always not recommended.
2. 24 寸魚缸 的過濾有咩好推介..??You'd better use canisters. If budget is not your concern, go and buy an Eheim (e.g. 2217). If it is, you may consider Atman products.
3. 泥有咩推介.....用過NISSO , 台灣 UP 黑泥 .....但唔係好知有咩分別...If you're a newbie, you'd better use ADAI soil.
4. 木化石會唔會影響水質??Let other c hings help.
5. 接近 60 cm x 30 x 36 的魚缸....有咩BRAND NAME 推介?? If your budget allows, ADA is the best. Otherwise, Vivaria is a good choice to consider.
6. 水晶缸同普通缸 分別 有幾大??Clear and sharp for ADA crystal tanks. For other brands, there's not much difference.
7. 我個魚缸有好少黑毛係D 新天湖西上面....係唔係全個缸的魚....植物都不能過去新魚缸度???For fishes, it should be fine. For plants, you'd better not to. But in fact, learning to control them is an interesting experience, though this is not recommended for newbies.
8. 燈光有咩推介?? 幾多WATT ?? 幾多$ 左右?72W 6500K tubes are good enough. If budget allows, GLO T5HO ballast is good. Otherwise, BCD/ AquaJapan are good choices.
Hi, Fish Fan ching
I am also a newbies and going to setup a tank the size is exactly the same as yours
I cant find where to buy the lamp as you mentioned above, BTW how about the price, if the forum is not allow to put the shop name here would you please pm me? Will it be over lighted for 72W 6500K tubes for the size of my tank? pl. advise