leoo11 寫:
Andy, thanks for your experience warning, which I may not think of.
1. How long does it take from baby fishes grow to stable actually?
2. At the beginning, I may look for about 5 pair of different fishes. If I can breed to an adult fish, I know it will be more and more.
3. I was thinking to take out the fishes to other tank for breeding. but, not when they are about to have babies. Sorry that I do not have experience on it but I thought it will be okay while I talk to some shop whom is selling these fishes. And I saw a big tank with plenty of these fishes. In case if they are about to have babies in the big tank, I would leave them in the big tank and wouldn't brother at all. I think the natural environment would be the same case, right?
I am having these fishes in my small 18" tank. They seems okay to each other and I think it will be okay in a even bigger tank.
(1) This is an important factor to your plan, so you better do some homework, dig out old posts in this forum and find out the correct answer, and then try to visualise the implication to your plan.
(2) so only two out of five pair can have breeding facilities, the other three pairs will need to wait. So on top of question (1), how long will it take for a pair of 短鯛 to complete their breedig process? In other word, once you put a pair of 短鯛 into a breeding tank, how long will that tank be occupied by this pair of 短鯛 and their babies? Please figure that out in advance, otherwise it is impossible to know whether TWO breeding tank is enough.
(3) Some more questions to follow up: on top of 短鯛. what other fishes wil you put into the 48" tank? Will there be any 工作魚? are you sure you'll keep 10 small fishes in the 48" tank only? what is the total target number of fishes in your setup.
Regarding the natural environment, you are trying to compare your 4ft aquarium with Amazon River.
In Amazon River, when a pair of 短鯛 has picked a special HIDDEN corner as their breeding ground, they'll make sure that there isn't any 短鯛 or natural enemies habitat in "surrounding", by surrounding, we probably means 2-3 meter radius at least, and that probably will equal to not least then 2000L of water space (1000L = 1 cubic meter of water), and they'll guard their egg/baby fishes against "passing by" fishes only.
If we use this as an simple reference, that means when you have 5 pair of 短鯛 in 230L water, the density is around 50 times higher then natural environment. If you have another 10 small 工作魚 + 20 small 燈魚, then the fish density is probably 200 times higher.
So can you visualise the different between a 4 ft aquarium vs the natural environment (Amazon River)?