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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:00 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:embs: andy, you are back.
:geek: how to control how much water go to chiller and uv. :grin: pls stay and finalize my problem.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:03 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:o what to do with my 2215 & 2217. waste of money. i think if i sell it, it have to be very cheap.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:07 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
but, i am not planning to buy uv yet.
then, should be......

so, one inflow and two outflow? do i put the outflow on the same position?

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:09 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:grin: i know you always like to have as much filter material as possible.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:20 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
i get your point how it connect from one to two now. haha, i got a slow brain.
but, how about the flow? it will adjust itself? like 50/50?
for the outflow, which position to put the outflow? same position and direction?
:embs: i thought it is better for two canister when need to clean up or whatever.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:25 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Andy Kong 寫:
我最初計過係 350L, 所以一路無留意個缸的新 size, 一路都用 350L 來計!

如果是 230L 的話,就一個 2260 做晒所有野最正,出水直駁水冷,由水冷出水 T 兩組,一組直入缸,一組過 UV, CO2 擴散等輔助器材後才入缸!

2217 和 2228 推水冷都好 marginal, 我試過 CL650 和 TR20, 都係加大水流後有明顯改善,所以我用到 1/4 HP 或以上的水冷就一定唔會用 1000L/hr 的濾桶了。至於 Pro3 和 Pro3e,我的感覺和螺絲基本一樣,功能多左,但效能弱左,對我地用開舊 E 仔的古老人無乜吸引力! :grin: :grin:

:question: should it be 280L of water?

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:28 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
:embs: andy, you are back.
:geek: how to control how much water go to chiller and uv. :grin: pls stay and finalize my problem.

If you split the outflow from chiller to two, by default that will have 50% of output in each "channel". There are ways to minor adjust the proportion, if you make one outlet hole bigger then the other one, water will naturally go to the bigger hole first, hence create a slightly bigger flow to the bigger hole. Alternatively if you put one outlet at water surface, and the other outlet at 18" below water surface, the outlet UNDER deeper water will suffer higher pressure (1 atm pressure + 18" water), hence more water will flow to the outlet at water surface (lower pressure).

So the main point is to control pressure by whatever means.

And when you have two water outlet, naturally we should put them in different corners so that water will circulate all round the aquarium. Remember my initial advice? 成個缸的草都要郁,但唔會有草被吹到歪晒, I don't really care where you place your outlet, as long as you can achieve this through trial and error, you are OK.


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:29 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
Andy Kong 寫:
我最初計過係 350L, 所以一路無留意個缸的新 size, 一路都用 350L 來計!

如果是 230L 的話,就一個 2260 做晒所有野最正,出水直駁水冷,由水冷出水 T 兩組,一組直入缸,一組過 UV, CO2 擴散等輔助器材後才入缸!

2217 和 2228 推水冷都好 marginal, 我試過 CL650 和 TR20, 都係加大水流後有明顯改善,所以我用到 1/4 HP 或以上的水冷就一定唔會用 1000L/hr 的濾桶了。至於 Pro3 和 Pro3e,我的感覺和螺絲基本一樣,功能多左,但效能弱左,對我地用開舊 E 仔的古老人無乜吸引力! :grin: :grin:

:question: should it be 280L of water?

扣泥底! :|


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 02:43 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 03:12 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山

養短鯛最大樂趣是繁殖和睇住母鯛帶仔,鯛 B 頭半年要勁谷和多換水才能長大的,上述 3 項都不是 4 呎陽草缸混養所能提供的。我試過由魚友買條靚靚猶長中幼魚落大缸,條魚唔夠舊魚搶食,養到窒左,眼大身細,非常可惜!又試過對三線在草缸散左,條母鯛奮力守住個沉木洞,但奈何一條對 100 條,成個星期不吃不眠筋疲力盡都守唔住,睇到都心疼,自此之後決定不會再落對裝短鯛落大草缸!

4呎陽草鯛缸 , ...... 請三思!


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 10:10 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Andy Kong 寫:

養短鯛最大樂趣是繁殖和睇住母鯛帶仔,鯛 B 頭半年要勁谷和多換水才能長大的,上述 3 項都不是 4 呎陽草缸混養所能提供的。我試過由魚友買條靚靚猶長中幼魚落大缸,條魚唔夠舊魚搶食,養到窒左,眼大身細,非常可惜!又試過對三線在草缸散左,條母鯛奮力守住個沉木洞,但奈何一條對 100 條,成個星期不吃不眠筋疲力盡都守唔住,睇到都心疼,自此之後決定不會再落對裝短鯛落大草缸!

4呎陽草鯛缸 , ...... 請三思!

i will have another 2 small 12" tank to breed small fishes.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 10:19 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Should i use my 2215 to connect to the 2080 as pre-filter? or the water will slow down alot?

最後由 leoo11 於 2010-05-14 23:31 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-14 23:29 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
first of all, thank you for all the experience expert, who gave me a hand at free of charge. :grin: Now, my wallet is in ICU. :somad:
back to the topic.
final decision 2080....... why?
2075($2380): disadvantage ~ only 6L of filter material space, so it must be out.
2076($3500): disadvantage ~ only 6.6L of filter material space, so it must be out.
2078($3950): 8.6L of filter material space and can be consider. however, it got the computer to make the water wave. but, i don't need it anyway. the more function it got, the sooner it will break. :ugeek:
2080($3950): 12L of filter material space. it have more space for the filter materials so I pick this. :ugeek: (if my shelf is tall enough to put it).
for 2080, it come with 5L dazs filter material. can be deduct about $300 if i don't take it. Should I change it to MA M SIZE (MA is around $660/10L)? which brand is better? There are three baskets for the filter materials, should I put all in the same filtering material?
in case if the flow rate is too strong, there is a flow rate control on the top of the canister to make it weaker.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-15 02:17 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
first of all, thank you for all the experience expert, who gave me a hand at free of charge. :grin: Now, my wallet is in ICU. :somad:
back to the topic.
final decision 2080....... why?
2075($2380): disadvantage ~ only 6L of filter material space, so it must be out.
2076($3500): disadvantage ~ only 6.6L of filter material space, so it must be out.
2078($3950): 8.6L of filter material space and can be consider. however, it got the computer to make the water wave. but, i don't need it anyway. the more function it got, the sooner it will break. :ugeek:
2080($3950): 12L of filter material space. it have more space for the filter materials so I pick this. :ugeek: (if my shelf is tall enough to put it).
for 2080, it come with 5L dazs filter material. can be deduct about $300 if i don't take it. Should I change it to MA M SIZE (MA is around $660/10L)? which brand is better? There are three baskets for the filter materials, should I put all in the same filtering material?
in case if the flow rate is too strong, there is a flow rate control on the top of the canister to make it weaker.

Don't use DAZ, go for MA, similar price but better quality.


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-05-15 02:24 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
leoo11 寫:
Andy Kong 寫:

養短鯛最大樂趣是繁殖和睇住母鯛帶仔,鯛 B 頭半年要勁谷和多換水才能長大的,上述 3 項都不是 4 呎陽草缸混養所能提供的。我試過由魚友買條靚靚猶長中幼魚落大缸,條魚唔夠舊魚搶食,養到窒左,眼大身細,非常可惜!又試過對三線在草缸散左,條母鯛奮力守住個沉木洞,但奈何一條對 100 條,成個星期不吃不眠筋疲力盡都守唔住,睇到都心疼,自此之後決定不會再落對裝短鯛落大草缸!

4呎陽草鯛缸 , ...... 請三思!

i will have another 2 small 12" tank to breed small fishes.

I raised three questions, you only solve part of the question 1.
When will you put the baby fishes back to the main tank? 1 month? 2 months? Do you know how long will it take for the baby fish to grow into stable and fit for community environment? How many pair of fishes will you keep? What happen if you have more then 2 pairs of fishes want to breed at the same time?

And when and how will you select and move the fishes that are going to breed from the 48" tank into the 12" breeding tank? When they are about to breed, they hide in corner already, quite difficult to net them out without causing them too much disturb, which might result in given up breeding after they were net out and placed into a new envirnoment.

Base on my very limited knowlege of fish breeding, especially 短鯛, your proposal is far from immediately feasible.


我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

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