ckc87879484 寫:
我diy co2 成個星期都冇野出,但係用暖風機吹佢就係咁出,一唔吹一陣又停,每次都係咁,點解?
1. Leakage (usually at the air line connection); OR
2. Yeast may have expired or not
warmed-up properly before adding to the sugar solution. I usually
warm-up the yeast separately by following these steps.
- 1/2 cup of warm water at about 38-40C (or just warm to the skin to make life easy).
- Add 1/2 tsp of active dried yeast to warm water and stir well. You should expect to smell something sweet and nice from the solution and some foam should also appear. If not, the yeast has probably expired and you need a fresh supply.
- Add a few pinches of sugar: this helps kick-start fermentation. Stir well.
- Set aside for about 10 mins (I try to maintain the temperature by immersing bowl in a larger pot of warm water).
- Add yeast mixture to sugar solution and mix them up.
Btw, I also try to use warm water for the bottle of sugar solution. Yeast likes lukewarm environment: it ferments at a slower rate at lower temperature (which may explain why it works when you give external heat); too hot and the yeast will die.