jadob 寫:
leoo11 寫:
:x so sad.
近排我都準備訂4呎水晶缸. 某藍衫職員報价$1700, 另一間有依度c-hing做過既報价$2300. 我打算揾間貴既做, 最少有人收過貨係ok. 雖然要見貨先知,不過都安心d.
醒目 肓中中去買一定比人
湯 because i am new hand and i don't even know what to buy. if u are paying a few hundred for a better quality and service, it is really worth.
i went to a shop for a few times & properly talk to the person for a few hours already (of course not at once). they explain to me very clear with patient and never push to make the purchase. I think this is what we really need as they got the heart to do the service for you.
so, i will definately purchase from them even price a bit higher. (I have also gone to the one close to mk, the blue shirt shop. I went there a few times also and never make any purchase. everytime i walk in and the sales are starring at me. haha)
i have been scold up too much in the previous by buying a cheaper stuff. At last, i throw it away and buy a better one. so, i just want to get whatever i really wanted. of course need to compare the price and if you can afford it.
I am still searching for the accessories like rock, wood. just to prepare everything or at least got the ideas before I am going to make my purcahse.
really need to be patient before you are starting a big tank.