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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2009-09-05 00:20 

註冊時間: 2005-02-01 11:18
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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2009-09-18 20:10 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
I will select hang-on filter with the following features:
1. The water is forced to flow from bottom and go up. AquaClear has this feature. Most hang-on filters (e.g. kotobuki, tetra at-xx, etc) do not have this design. I have bought a Resun HF-2002 and a Singapore brand one and both have this feature. The Resun HF-2002 has a plastic plate fixed above the motor so that water will flow below it and to the right and then goes up the filter media. The Singapore brand copies the AquaClear design. The Resun HF-2002 with flow rate labeled > 500L/h is an excellent filter.
2. The flow rate must be labeled with > 500 L/h. Large flow rate is very important for a filter. Don't buy anything label below 200L/h.

Currently, in FS, the P&P and Jebo seems to fullfill # 2 above and I am not sure whether they satisfy #1.

For Eheim, I have both the double outlet one (largest) and single outlet one (smallest). I find that single outlet one has quite good flow rate but the double outlet one flow is not very strong. Thus, if you want to buy Eheim, I suggest you to buy the smaller one. The advantage of Eheim is that it is very very quiet.

Actually, I like hang-on filter a lot as I think they are very efficient and easy to maintain.

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