bigtree 寫:
缸 : W20xH16xD14吋(套裝缸)Your tank is of over 70l of water.
濾桶 : Ehiem 2215(只加生物環及白棉)2215 is marginal for your tank. It may be fine if you're not going to connect it to a chiller.
燈 : "Dazs" 24Wx1 PL Tube(白加藍色)First of all, use 6500K tubes - never use blue tubes for planted tanks. Second, your lighting in terms of wattage is far below the standard. You should have at least 70W of light. You may buy a new ballast, BCD or Daz, 24Wx3 should be fine.
泥 : 好似ADA 3吋高已用2年The soil layer is too old for plants. You'd better start over the tank again.
魚 : 2條接吻魚+2條紅衣夢幻旗+蘋果螺
草 : 不知名雜草養唔長
請師兄師姐賜教改善建議(能力有限,優先揀實惠產品,可惜手工麻麻未能DIY!).謝謝!CO2 is a must for planted tanks. If budget is your concern, DIY.