parkertai1105 寫:
1:我用左2個2213.How large is your tank? Anyway, bear in mind that 440x2 is not equal to 880. If you tank is of 24"x12"x10", 2213x2 is still marginal. Put it this way, 10 Eden501 would not be equal to 1 Eheim2217.
2:我D木係上網買架,已經有埋水草個D,我之前個缸都無問題.There's no guarantee that the sellers have probably boiled them everytime.
3:我唔記得舊石叫咩名,但我之前個缸都係放黎2舊石,都無問題.Remember, the condition of each tank is different. You can take them out and put them into tap water. See if the pH value increases above 7.
4:我養蝦,所以要打氧,Do it at night when the light and CO2 are off. But there's still a chance that the air bubble would stir up the soil layer.同埋硝化細菌需要氧.Not the point. An established tank doesn't require O2 supply.
你幾內先變清呀,今日己經過左8日都未清.It's hazy for a few days but not yellowish. I didn't have any yellowish problem.