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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2008-10-30 15:43 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
I have been keeping fish for 2 years. My experience so far are:

1. Fish I like most: Discus and Guppies because they are beautiful and peaceful fishes. Moreover, one can enjoy the happiness of having small fishes from them.
2. Tank I like most: Kotobuki tank is very good in quality in my opinion.
3. Filter I like most: I have Eheim 2213 and also Eheim 掛濾 . I like them a lot as they are powerful and quiet. (Non-noise air pump is also very good and quiet).
4. Medicine I find most useful: Salt (for guppy) and Metronidazole (for discus, very cheap if bought in China).
5. Grass I like most: 小扭蘭. It is beautiful to have them with Angel fish.
6. Place that I like to buy fish most: Shenzhen 洪湖 and 天光虛. But Shenzhen fish is getting expensive and 天光虛 is too early to me. Thus, seldom to go now. I have bought quite good quality guppies and discus from these two areas. Nowadays, I return back to fish street which sometimes have good quality and not so expensive fish to sell.
7. Shops that I like most: Kake, 雷強 (I never bought fish from 雷強 but I find that they really care them. The shop is more spacious. The fish price is not very high.). There are other friendly shops in fish street.
8. Fish keeping practice that I like: I like simple equipment (e.g. I like 掛濾 more than Eden 501 which I think is too troublesome due to the 2 water ducts), simple maintenance and proportional to my home's environment. That's why I do not have CO2 set up to now - too large for me at home, and I also do not want to have marine fish tank which has too many things to care for.
9. Current no. of tank: 3 (1 for discus, 1 for guppy and 1 for angel /tetra fish). Sometimes feel very tired to have them and want them disappear.
10. Web site that I like: http://www.simplydiscus.com, http://www.aqugrass.com (a lot of information though it is very inactive. Aqugrass is the first web site that I learnt a lot in fish keeping). There are other good sites as well.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2008-10-30 17:22 

註冊時間: 2003-06-06 19:55
文章: 2083
來自: 九龍華仁
good sharing which shows ur enthusiasm about fish!! =]

1. Fish I like most:
guppies, show betta, dwarf cichlid, all crayfish, killifish, which are all breedable .

7. Shops that I like most: Kake of coz. most stuffs can be found there and so much time can be saved


God doesn't forbid anything .

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