sonnywinter 寫:
alder 寫:
most of the fishes you find in GF street are said to be wild caught but actually not. for saying it as "wild caught", the price will be much much higher.
yes! 邊有咁多野魚,有都未論到香港,話野生的可能係早幾代,父系或母系交配純化,然後吹話係野生(如果係野生的,都幾難人工飼養)。

I am a country representaive of a part time international 3D photogrpy club which headquarter in Germany. Some of the 3D photographer work in large aquatium company. I have discusssed ths matter with them 2 years ago.
They said that there are really over catch pronbelm in Amazon River. It becomes better as the ccuntries there start to aware the profitabilty of this business, they start to strictly control it few years ago. It is almost impossible to get new license for exporting. Of course still many illegal exports.
On the other hand, the situation is not so bad. If there are any new discovery of new fishes, most of the fish will go to large company in USA, Germany and Japan because of the high price. Almost all of those fishes can be reproduced in great numbers within 2-5 years with their experience and technology. Only a small amount of "wild catch" fishes are actually release to the other markets all over the world.
The most famous fake "Wild Catch" fishes are Wild Catch angel fish. It is named "Wild Catch" for higher price.
Those Germany ask me a question and I think it is very sensible. If they are really wld catch, size of fishes cannot be that standard in the same lot. Even for their reproduction fishes growth with different speed in the aquarium in their company.
It also try to reply Mr. Ar Shing in other post.