TAM 寫:
對與錯真是沒有確定的答案, 如果以法律作標準, 亦沒有錯.
如果用聖經作標準, 個個人都錯...
的而且確, 每個人的標準是不同, 當天其實我們不是以捉魚為目的, 捉到既數量只是極少, 只是探索一下而已, 並互相交流. 我們並不是大學修 environment / geography, 不知道怎樣做才正確, 只是一些人想尋找童年回憶. 請問你們有否試過野採 ?
I urge you not to collect any things next time, unless you commit time to learn a correct method, commit to help a certain kind of animals through research and help them.
I don't why pure observation in real place not good enough for your purpose? What is the real need for you to collect those animals?
Do you want that your children need to go outside hong kong to have similar experience? Our previous generations do silly things that we cannot see many hong kong special kind plant/animal any more. Try to observe without catching. Then our next next next....... generations may still be able to enjoy similar happiness with us.
I think such trip is good if you only observe, taking photos, measurement and records........ but sure I am against any wild catch without a real need.