MadCow: You are not honest!!!
I asked you for picture, you asked me to look at the picture in the link ... highlight=
But sadly, what you are selling me are not those on the picture, as what we talked on phone in the morning.
I think what I got are not those on the picture (5 balck, 5 red).
As CRS friends, and trade online, we believe each other so we trade. I think you are simple not doing in the right way. I have the feeling that I was treated.
inspect(xx): 你睇清楚和數清楚,相片內係有6隻紅白蝦和5隻黑白蝦,合共11隻。 出讓係寫明10隻,當我撈蝦時當然取起1隻(黑色半丸),咁就岩數,咁你手上是否有6紅白和4黑白,合共10隻呢(有日之丸、禁進丸、V仔、虎牙)?
MadCow: I cannot type in Chinese
I got 2 black, 8 red, I promise
MadCow: I just have 1 black V仔 and 1 black 虎牙
So I asked you in the MTR station whether those CRS are really those from the picture
inspect(xx): O.K. 無謂爭駁,你想我怎樣跟進呢?條件由你提出,在可接受的情況下,或可照辦...!
MadCow: The price was set by you, I bought it because I saw the black 禁進丸、and the black丸仔 and think the price was acceptable for my budget
I want to have them (the black 禁進丸、and the black丸仔) back, I will give you back 2 red (1 V仔and 1 虎牙)
inspect(xx): 出門之物係唔會再要番,我只能做到係送1隻實白有麻呂的紅白禁進丸給你!事件則作平息了。
MadCow: As an adult, I also just take 10.
but because those CRS are very different from those I saw in the picture, I was very unhappy and disappointed.!!!
I want exchange the 2 black(1隻係禁進丸、1隻丸仔), in case you have mistakenly got me the wrong ones. If not, that will be fine, you DO NOTneed to give me a 實白有麻呂的紅白禁進丸.
I look forward seeing your reply.
inspect(xx): 我只可送多1隻,你不要隻實白紅禁進丸,就只有盡量找回1隻相中的黑白丸。 我要解釋就係,當時(2/12)出Post的價位與現在有別,後來再出賤賣,所以曾把蝦改動過,這是無可厚非的,但忙記改張相片而出錯,目前只作適當之調節,要不要由你取捨?我蝕本亦不計較!你再堅持就大家都無引...!
MadCow: As a student, I was told to be HONEST.
MadCow: $300 is not much to be, though being a student.
DO NOT do 蝕本 bussiness.
inspect(xx): 講多無謂,你答覆我要與不要,你重想我點樣呀......!
MadCow: 要. the 1 black禁進丸、1 black丸仔. As shown very clearly on the picture.
inspect(xx): 我已作出補償,有謂退一步海闊天高,得些好意須回手;你要企硬我都制無法!你要做D無聊野,唯有自動消失於網頁,咁你又奈我何呢...!都不如接受我的道歉補償罷。