blueblue 寫:
how about the male fish?? Is he healthy? ..
do you observe any eggs with tail after three days of laying eggs?? ...
I also observe something interesting on the first pair, they would sleep together in the same spot. They swim together with the female following the male around and occassional the female will lead the male. They will eat together as the female will instinctly give way to the male first, and the male will not eat everything and leave plenty enough for the female. I have never seen they frighten each other. I feel like that they are in deep love with each other, they do act like they know they should take care each other.
But the 2nd pair, the male would display against the female on his side of the divider. He would act like he would knock down the divider to get to the female.
Both males are about the same size, say 8cm...... the wild one has obvious longer fins than the F1 male. They are both doing fine, except that they become more picky on their food since I start feeding them with sea shrimp and both female and the 3 youngsters will enjoy whatever I feed them, including dried food.
According to my video clip posted here earlier, the female would laid white eggs and most of the other eggs are pretty much the same colour as yours, then every 12hrs, there would be about 5-10% eggs being eaten, and I witnessed they turned white. Eventually, on the 3rd day or the 4th, they will be all eaten.
Perhaps, there are too much microorganism in the water that rotten the eggs and the UV couldn't kill them? If you think so, how do I solve with this problem? However, under my observation, the water is crystally clear and smell normal.
As for the 2nd pair, do you have any suggestion how to pair them up? Because, separating them doesn't seem working in my scenario.