Dummy 寫:
Good fish as blueblue!!!
Off-topic: the restructuring of my fish tanks near completion, I might be able to set a 36" thank for my NA, awth and blueblue, any suggested setting for me as dummies?! (I will be busy on work from now on, simple and easy-care is essential)
I might be forced to use internal filter, blueblue, can I still be able to connect to UV? any suggestion?
I was wondering when you will show up and give me some comment,

, the next minute, here you are!!!
First, congradulation on the restructing of your racks. Hope I can come and visit someday, I am always interest in looking at the others' setting.
Second, as I am only a beginner compare to you and Blueblue, I am a bit shy to give any suggestion, however, a very good filteration system would be ideal!!! I believe, if the internal filter is powerful enough, it can be attach to UV as well, you can hang the UV beside the tank. Anyhow, I still recommend an external filter, for 36", I would use a Ex120 and drill some holes on the rain forest pipe to slow down the current!