Sorry that I have re-setup my tank last night and it is muddy now. (I put my fish into a smaller tank.)
My DIY is very simple: buy 2 T8 lamps (they have plastic transparent cover already). Then connect them together to 1 power plug. Then put the 2 lamps on the glass plate. (I also have a small clip-tank PL lamp which is used in between). I then stick plastic plate (cut from photomax photo album cover) and stick aluminium foil to it and then stick on the lamp's original cover. I feel that it is simple.
Besides, I share my feelings on tank setting so far:
1. I like hang-on filter more than external filter, because it is more nice looking.
2. I like fish more than plants. I have one time go to 天光墟 to buy plants and after going home, I find that there is more than 10 plants in each @10 or @30 pack. Then I put all of them inside my 18" tank. My family all said that it is not good looking at all, when compared my previous simple tank with only moses and gold fish plant.
3. Shrimp is very sensitive to water change. Need to take are of it.
4. I don't like ADA soil (I bought Africa vesion) because it is actually dusty which I don't like. Actually it is mud instead of sand. Also the brown color is not good looking ~ I mean not natural in fact. Also the ADA soil make the water PH to 6. One of my shrimp dies because of it and other shrimp I have to put to another tank to rescue them. But this movement make the shrimp weak ~ may be they will die soon. I know that I want sand instead of soil in this experience. I like think layer of sand instead of thick soil in my home, which I feel dirty.
5. I still have 1 孔雀 which has 爛 fin (It actually is given by my friend. For me, my fish all are healthy and have not sicked before). Very disappointed since it infects others. I need to buy medicine for it. I feel tired in fact.
6. I find that 孔雀 and shrimp like slight akaline water. But plant may like acidic. Therefore, I will try to keep my tank in slightly acidic only.
7. I like 孔雀 (I have 5 and 1 is sick) most since they are happy in all the water changes. In fact, they are beautiful. I like shrimp second for they always clean my tank.
8. I also have many small 紅白劍. They are good swimmer and like more space. This is the reason why I reset my tank last night to remove the many plants there. I bought 50 baby 紅白劍 in 天光墟 because I like the color. But I feel it is quite expensive afterwards. I find that 劍 like akaline water. So it also contradicts with plants.
9. I bought a China made external filter but finally find that it is noisy in my standard (I don't like sound at all in my home.) Therefore, in future I think I will buy good brand filter. I have a Eheim hang-on filter which is strong and never have a problem since I bought it in 2000.
Sum up: simple tank, silent tank and less plant, and simple setup is good for me. Don't put too much plant inside the tank.
Just some sharings.