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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-01-21 11:58 

註冊時間: 2007-01-10 14:38
文章: 170
Andy Kong 寫:
Austin Powers 寫:
because he's asking for a cheaper price one :-n05

and $550 i think is very reasonable...

i'm regert because that time i have enough money,but i haven't got a "Double Valve" one!


In that case, you should include your feedbackand comment when you suggest that, otherwise others will ASSUME you recommend what you suggested, and they are alright, this is so confusing.
:m :m
there's nothing wrong with the $550's one,that"
s why i recommended to others(because of the price,he's asking for a cheap one right??)

what i want to say is,if you want the cheap one,get the $550's one from "Car k"

if you can spend more money,get the $800 one ,that's all!!ok?

i really don't know why you keep on challenge me that " why i recommended the $550 set for him" :j

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