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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-10-25 10:22 

註冊時間: 2006-10-06 23:51
文章: 3
Dear brothers

I brought a brand new Tetra EX90 and used for around 1 month. It was working normally and quietly all along...

Until last night, when I come back from work, I saw EX90 was leaking (from the left and right side handles) and the part of the floor is wet!!! :j Thankfully, the floor is cermaic tile and no other furniture got wet (except the fish tank cabinet). Seems EX90 just leaked slowly for couple of hours only... If i go home later, i guess the whole floor will be flooded and more furniture will get water damaged

At first, i opened the EX90 and i was thinking that maybe the white colour cotton filter element (top level) was too dirty, thus blocking the outflow of the water and increase the pressure inside the filter..... I carefully checked all filter layers and they seems to be okay (eg: no large garabge stuck inside).

After washing the filter housing, I placed back all fliter layers carefully (with the right arrow direction)... also, I did not put the top layer white cotton back (for testing)...
I restarted EX90 accroding to manual procedure and than everything was fine......... for the first 20 minutes... no leaks.. no strange sound.. nothing.... but after 20 minutes... water start to leak from the left and right side again!!!!!!! :k :j :j .... any brother know what is going on????

BTW, for the input and output flow control, both of them are in full open position... therefore output flow should have no problem....

Now i am thinking that maybe there is a problem with the plastic elastic band (at the top the filter which prevent water from coming out)... do you guys think i should replace this elastic band??? coz it was only 1 month old and i guess the elastic band should not die so soon.... I need helpppppppp

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-10-25 10:48 

註冊時間: 2005-05-15 00:22
文章: 963
來自: 荃葵
have u checked the elastic band if it is in a correct position?
UM...I think most likely is the elastic element around ur filter cover, u should carefully have a check on the edges, and the elastic band as well, see if any broken.

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