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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-06-24 21:53 

註冊時間: 2005-07-23 19:34
文章: 59
Boring with the high ph level, decided to set up again on 2006-06-04 Sunday afternoon, have changed the following:-
Glass Tank:
L20cm (8") X W30cm (12") X H24cm (9.5") 14.4 lt.
1) Vivaria Compact Light 2 18W x 1 (parallel)
2) Mini Platinum 9W x 1 (parallel)

Filter System:
1) Bottom Filter by air with ADA black soil to improve the ph.
2) Kotobuki Profit Filter (30cm-45cm) with Twin Sponges.
Co2 Supply:
1) 500 gm. Co2 Aluminum bottle with timer controller.
Cooling System:
1) Fans: DC12V 6cm Cooler Master Aero Fan x 1
Protection Net:
1) Adding net top protect from jumping Shrimps.

Shrimp: 紅水晶蝦 x 12, 黑水晶蝦 x 1, 礸石蝦 x 3

Monster from My Shrimp Tank
When cleaning up the tank, there is a baby worm of 蜻蜓 dropped out from one of a driftwood. Believed that it caused my shrimps jump out of the tank.


My Previous Setting:-
Glass Tank: L20cm (8") X W30cm (12") X H24cm (9.5") 14.4 lt.
1) Mini Platinum 9W x 1.
2) Mini Platinum 7W x 1.
Filter System:
1) Bottom Filter by air with 4/5 small stone on top of filter plate; 1/5 of ADA black soil.
2) Hang Filter with Twin Sponges Filter.
Cooling System:
1) DIY Fans: DC12V 8cm Fan x 1
2) Ice Bottle.


Glass Tank 45L
Size: L50cm(20") x W30cm(12") x H30cm(12")
Filter: Bottom Filter by air, Eden 501 & Ocean Free M-2 Hang Filter.
Lighting: Atman PL 36W X 2
Cooling Fan: AC 12cm.
Co2: 0.7kg w/Ele. Regulator.
Plant: 噴泉太陽, 珊瑚莫絲 & 三角莫絲木.

最後由 arden 於 2006-07-03 02:40 編輯,總共編輯了 9 次。

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-06-24 22:30 

註冊時間: 2005-04-30 13:39
文章: 68
你個缸是否縱向罷放?因為我見到個景好深呢... :-n01
1)防止蝦仔跳缸? or
因為我都有一個蝸牛扇, 諗住放係我的十二吋蝦缸, 但係諗來諗去都唔知點放... :f

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-06-24 22:53 

註冊時間: 2005-07-23 19:34
文章: 59
oriorigami 寫:
你個缸是否縱向罷放?因為我見到個景好深呢... :-n01
1)防止蝦仔跳缸? or
因為我都有一個蝸牛扇, 諗住放係我的十二吋蝦缸, 但係諗來諗去都唔知點放... :f

Glass Tank 45L
Size: L50cm(20") x W30cm(12") x H30cm(12")
Filter: Bottom Filter by air, Eden 501 & Ocean Free M-2 Hang Filter.
Lighting: Atman PL 36W X 2
Cooling Fan: AC 12cm.
Co2: 0.7kg w/Ele. Regulator.
Plant: 噴泉太陽, 珊瑚莫絲 & 三角莫絲木.

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-06-25 18:54 

註冊時間: 2005-07-23 19:34
文章: 59
Now the ph is 5.0 !

arden 寫:
Boring with the high ph level, decided to set up again on 2006-06-04 Sunday afternoon, have changed the following:-
Glass Tank:
L20cm (8") X W30cm (12") X H24cm (9.5") 14.4 lt.
1) Mini Platinum 9W x 1 (Rear)
2) Mini Platinum 7W x 1 (Front)
Filter System:
1) Bottom Filter by air with ADA black soil to improve the ph.
2) Aqua One 200 Hang Filter with Twin Sponges.
Co2 Supply:
1) 500 gm. Co2 Aluminum bottle with timer controller.
Cooling System:
1) Fans: DC12V 6cm Cooler Master Aero Fan x 1
Protection Net:
1) Adding net top protect from jumping Shrimps.

Shrimp: 紅水晶蝦 x 12, 黑水晶蝦 x 1, 礸石蝦 x 3

Monster from My Shrimp Tank
When cleaning up the tank, there is a baby worm of 蜻蜓 dropped out from one of a driftwood. Believed that it caused my shrimps jump out of the tank.


My Previous Setting:-
Glass Tank: L20cm (8") X W30cm (12") X H24cm (9.5") 14.4 lt.
1) Mini Platinum 9W x 1.
2) Mini Platinum 7W x 1.
Filter System:
1) Bottom Filter by air with 4/5 small stone on top of filter plate; 1/5 of ADA black soil.
2) Hang Filter with Twin Sponges Filter.
Cooling System:
1) DIY Fans: DC12V 8cm Fan x 1
2) Ice Bottle.

Glass Tank 45L
Size: L50cm(20") x W30cm(12") x H30cm(12")
Filter: Bottom Filter by air, Eden 501 & Ocean Free M-2 Hang Filter.
Lighting: Atman PL 36W X 2
Cooling Fan: AC 12cm.
Co2: 0.7kg w/Ele. Regulator.
Plant: 噴泉太陽, 珊瑚莫絲 & 三角莫絲木.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-07-05 20:16 

註冊時間: 2005-07-23 19:34
文章: 59
I have also set up another 12" plastic tank for the lower grade week ago, there are two shrimps having eggs...wonderful... more babies will come....


Glass Tank 45L
Size: L50cm(20") x W30cm(12") x H30cm(12")
Filter: Bottom Filter by air, Eden 501 & Ocean Free M-2 Hang Filter.
Lighting: Atman PL 36W X 2
Cooling Fan: AC 12cm.
Co2: 0.7kg w/Ele. Regulator.
Plant: 噴泉太陽, 珊瑚莫絲 & 三角莫絲木.

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