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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-08-28 10:55 

註冊時間: 2002-05-21 14:23
文章: 181
來自: 新界
After resetting the tank for 3 weeks, almost all grasses are growing well. But I found 2 problem:
1. My 紅蝴蝶 is turning black on the leaf (not 藻, is the leaf change to black spot color). I was told that 紅蝴蝶 need high KH and 根肥, my tank is already in high KH (I don't know why but the KH reading is almost 13, PH is 6.4) and I put 根肥 as well. Anyone know what's the problem?

2. I found some 黑毛藻 on the 扭蘭 and 綠王冠, however none was found on other kind of grass. May be I add too much 液肥 everyday. Now I remove the infected grass away, change 1/3 of water, and stop adding 液肥 for a few days. I want to know why only these 2 kind of grasses being infected, but not the others?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-08-29 17:24 

註冊時間: 2001-08-28 08:00
文章: 12412
來自: 香港-屯門
1. kh 真的很高喎, 會不會是水喉水有問題呀. kh 咁高, ph 又唔過 7, 好似有o的唔正常. 紅蝴蝶因為要由根吸收肥料, 試下抽出一株, 看看生根未啦.
2. 黑毛藻多數生在不健康的葉上, 初期不會全部都生呀, 要藻類胞子符上了才會生的.

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