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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-09 11:09 

註冊時間: 2003-06-06 19:55
文章: 2083
來自: 九龍華仁
十幾份唔算多架喇!!繼續加油啦 :-n05

God doesn't forbid anything .

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-09 16:33 

註冊時間: 2003-11-14 23:07
文章: 113
(My chinese typing is very bad, please forgive me to use English)
I read the whole message. You are looking for a job urgently.
I regert to advise you that your education level is Form 3. You may find a job today. but you may not have any chance in job promotion in the future. I have been working for 12 years. I see that education level becomes more and more important. So I suggest you few things:
1) Go back to school. Not a traditional school. Go to a vocational school and study a subject that you are interesting. In the message, you are looking for a cook's apprentice. Why don't you study a cert. of cooking first. My friend is working in a four stars hotel. He is a chief cook. He is about 37. He does not have a degree. He has a cert of cooking first. Of course, he works hard and studies more in the job. Hotel or restaurant? Which one you prefer?
2) Don't work if you are not interesting to.
3) Never give up.
4) If you have to work, please work with your heart. Spend more time, more effort to the job.
Good Luck!

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