About two days ago, a shrimp died which looked like internal bleeding, like this:
I didn't pay much attention to it, just hoped that its just an individual case. Today, I did a 1/3 water change after pruning 1/3 of my tank, after I filled up my tank and prepared to finish everything up, I found a wood shrimp lying on top of a plant, and have the same look as the shrimp died two days ago, internal bleeding near its brain, I have a photo of it, but its not as clear since wood shrimp darker in colour:
That's not the worst part, I counted 6 SAEs happily swiming together looking for dark places to hide for the night just after water change since I've delayed light off for 30 mins for all the triming and water change. A min later, I found one dead and stuck (not really stuck, i could get his body out easily) near between the tubing of the filter and glass wall, the weird thing is it also had internal bleeding, but not near the head this time, look like this:
I am really puzzled, I have also lost a Nannostomus espei for no reason a few days ago, it just lying there rotting, I didn't inspect him thoroughly, I thought nothing was special since he only had been my tank for less than a month. But now, I realized something might be happening in my tank. Any advice would be very very appreciated, I had these SAEs for two years now, I definitely don't want to loss another one due to my lack of knowledge, please help.
Thanks a million in advance!