薑雞 寫:
今日上堂, 講話cut走對蝦眼(第2個方法), 除o左可以加快卵巢成熟外, 仲可以加快脫殼周期. (都係因為hormone的關係)
而第一個方法(thermoshock), 問清楚原來只適用於佢上堂教個隻唔知咩品種........
第三個方法(轉個light period), 佢就話應該隻隻蝦都得, 不過隻隻species需要光照時間係會唔同的. 原則係先係一段日子用一個較短的light period(e.g. 8hr光照一日), 之後就特然之間轉去一個長的光照時間(十幾個鐘一日). 不過個"一段日子"的短時間光照原來講緊兩個月的時間. 所以佢話太麻煩, D人(蝦農)都係cut走隻眼算.
Anyone want more RED Bee.. Try no 2... do u think japan red bee farmer will use this method or not?
Ah! Bro. many scientist like to use Procambarus Clarkii for experiment. coz this kind of crustacean will go to sleep like human.. and have a dream wave like human too. can u ask ur professor is that true or not?