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 文章主題 : [問題]OSRAM PL Tube
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-08 16:21 

註冊時間: 2002-05-21 14:23
文章: 181
來自: 新界
I saw from the OSRAM web-site and found that for the 18W PL tube (2G11 base), the highest number is 840 (no 860 or 865 ar) :l . On the other hand, I saw one model call 950, do anyone know what's the meaning of code 950?? Is it suitable for grass??

The reason I ask is because I am using the AquaOne PL light (18W x 2) with the base model 2G11 (4 base pins place in a line shape, not in a square shape). I can't found any same type of 860 tube, the highest one I can found is 840. From OSRAM site, I found one which called 950 with 2G11 base (which I am using). That's why I want to know what's 950 mean to see if it good for the grass.

Thanks!!! :-n06

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