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 文章主題 : [問題]fine white worm
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-06 00:40 

註冊時間: 2002-04-17 23:35
文章: 91
來自: 慈雲山
Hi all,

Today I found there are some very fine white worm moving within the black mud. I can't catch them because they are moving quite fast and in very fine size, I guess there are many because I can only see the tank sides.

I search the old post saying that it is caused by too much fish "see". Now I have planted many hair grass and "needle crown". I really can't suck the fish "see' through out the whole substrat area. What should I do? Do they really not harm? Do they reproduce fast?? (if fast, that's horrible, many many white worms moving all the way!!)

:k i have added much snail solution!! But seems can't kill :k

Please help help!!

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-06 02:48 

註冊時間: 2002-04-06 02:45
文章: 394
來自: 魚則魚涌
don't don't don't worry..... ur fish will take them as "Tea-Time"

it is normal.... don't take any action which make the water unstable.... else, other bad things are likely happen...~ like fish killed as result of the medic drops

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-06 15:58 

註冊時間: 2002-04-17 23:35
文章: 91
來自: 慈雲山
Hi c@@lpix,

Thanks for your advice. I will just keep in view.

BTW, I said I added much snail solution was in the prepartion plastic box last time after I put the new plants inside for medical treatment. :)

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