大白菜 寫:
alder 寫:
Leelee 寫:
Yip 寫:
Becareful, if your home using traditional chinese wok to cook food, you most probably get enough iron. Too much iron cause more problem than lack of iron for most chinese.
May I ask what kind of problems could be happen if taking too much iron?
Very harmful for Adult and fatal for children.
What happens in an iron overdose?
When someone takes too much iron, the first effect is irritation and ulceration of the stomach lining. This results in nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting as early as 20 minutes after the ingestion. This can be followed by an apparent recovery, which is very deceptive because a few hours later the person can go into pro-found shock with a severe blood chemistry imbalance. When too much iron gets into the bloodstream, it goes to all the organs and can damage the stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and brain.
Why is iron poisoning common?
First, iron supplements are found in many homes with small children. Iron is available in numerous over-the-counter and prescription tablets and liquids, such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate. It is also found in many multivitamin preparations for both children and adults. Finally, pregnant women are often prescribed prenatal vitamins that have high amounts of iron. Prenatal vitamins are often kept around the house after the pregnant woman stops taking them. Second, many people are not aware that iron can be dangerous. It may be regarded as "just a vitamin" or as a nutritional product instead of a medicine. Third, iron tablets may be attractive to a young child. This is certainly true of the chewable children's vitamins with iron that are often in cartoon shapes with various colors and fruit flavors. The much more dangerous adult formulations contain more iron and often look like brightly colored candies to young children.
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