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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 11:34 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8

本人養極鹿角苔都出唔泡, 但藻/青苔 (缸有藻/青苔, 鹿角苔有藻/青苔 ,唔知點做) .... 鹿角苔買左一星期和請問邊到有 "黑線飛狐" or "鉛筆魚"
買? "黑線飛狐" or "鉛筆魚" 有咩分辨呢 ? 邊隻魚好d 呢? 請各位幫忙!!!!THX!!!

我的魚缸,淡水 (6mths)
16 x 10 x 8
變形蟲 PL 燈管 25W 7200K
PH 7.2 (Tetra Test Kit)
No2 <0.3 (Tetra Test Kit)
ada 黑泥 (三吋高)
鹿角苔 x 1
開燈 6 hrs (1900 - 0100)
換水 1/3 -> 一星期
粒狀魚糧 -> 每日
肥液 (邊隻平用邊隻) + 鐵 -> 每 1/2 month

多謝各版友 - 萬分感激!感激!感激!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 11:57 

註冊時間: 2001-08-28 08:00
文章: 12412
來自: 香港-屯門
先要明白, 不出泡不一定代表有問題, 有泡要有很多因素配合, 舊文有詳細討論, 你可以找找看.
就你的情形, 在燈光上已經不足夠, 試下加多一枝吧.
用掛缸濾水, co2散失會較快, 水的波動亦較大, 試下加大co2的輸出吧.
ph 是7.2 嗎...好似有點高, 最好可以有埋 kh 的數據.
燈照時間可以長一點. 8 小時吧.

黑線飛狐" or "鉛筆魚" 很多魚店都有喎, 細心些找找吧, 一係去發記, 多數都會有的.

多多交流, 多多研究, 多多搜尋

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 12:07 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
I have the same tank as you. It seems strange that you have 3" inch ADA black mud with CO2 injection but still has 7.2ph??
Have you add any buffer stuff like PH +/-, KH+...etc.

Anyway, my鹿角苔has little bubbles but I am using 15W FL x4. CO2 and very light liquid fertilizer.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 12:10 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8
多謝SuperCTW管理員兄的高人相助. 萬分感激!感激!感激!

明白, 明白 , 勞煩曬, 勞煩曬, 勞煩曬

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 12:17 

註冊時間: 2002-05-03 13:58
文章: 126
來自: 旺角
I am also using 掛缸濾水 and DIY CO2 (1.25L bottle) in a similar tank. But, I have no problem in having bubbles from 鹿角苔. I think your major problem is the light, I have 1 11W PL, one 18" Superlight FL tube and one oridinary FL tube. When I turn on all three, 鹿角苔 usually gives bubbles in 4 hours (a bit slow, but still have plenty of bubbles).

To check whether the light is the critical factor in your case, try to hang the 鹿角苔 near the PL light. If bubbles come out, that means you have to get a better lighting system.

Also, you ligth time is too short, try to increase it at least to 8 hr.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 12:22 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8

Thank you very much for yr help,

I dont know why the pH is like this but I have a pH test and +/- kit that I can lower my tank's pH. I think I ll try to lower it tonight.

I just brought the PL light since the shopkeeper told me that I cant use FL (giving exact conditions of my tanks). o well ...

Maybe I will try what SuperCTW told me, to increase C02, but since it is DIY kit, i just dont ve a clue on how to increase it .. o no ...

I probably will need to buy a KH kit as I dont have n e at home .. o no

i hope it is not the external filter that is taking away all the Co2 ..

many many thxs again ,,,

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 12:25 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8
Hi dunn,

Many many thxs for you help, I will try to have the plant close to the light source.

thank you so much again ... i hope i can identify the prob soon, otherwise i think my plant may die soon ....

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 13:15 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
Hi kex,
Let me clarify that personally I don't encourage other to buy any PH+/- ....etc those kind of things. First of all, it can't be maintain in a long run. Eventually it will return back to the original value. Secondly, it may mess up your future measurement of some parameters. Such as, if you add KH+, your CO2 indicator or CO2 table will be useless. Therefore, try to investigate the "things" inside the tank/filter and make necessary changes.

Anyway, try to follow dunn's method is see if bubbles come out, then test the ph a couple days later to see is still in 7.2.

For DIY CO2, you might want to add a second jar with a T-bone connector. I know some people overseas use 7 bottles in one tank......(smile)

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 13:16 

註冊時間: 2002-03-22 13:03
文章: 1600
dunn 寫:
I am also using 掛缸濾水 and DIY CO2 (1.25L bottle) in a similar tank. But, I have no problem in having bubbles from 鹿角苔. I think your major problem is the light, I have 1 11W PL, one 18" Superlight FL tube and one oridinary FL tube. When I turn on all three, 鹿角苔 usually gives bubbles in 4 hours (a bit slow, but still have plenty of bubbles).

To check whether the light is the critical factor in your case, try to hang the 鹿角苔 near the PL light. If bubbles come out, that means you have to get a better lighting system.

Also, you ligth time is too short, try to increase it at least to 8 hr.

其實有無泡有好多原因....因為你夠光, 所以掛缸濾水未必有影響

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 13:59 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8

I think i will try to do the followings:
(1)raise my plant up close to my light source
(2)increase Co2
(3)Take additional readings on my pH

To:JJK 請問你的15W FL x4 在那裡買呢? can u email or icq me just in case it is my lighting system is the root of the problem as u ve the same size tank as me.

多謝各友的相助. 萬分感激!感激!勞煩曬!勞煩曬!勞煩曬!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 14:10 

註冊時間: 2002-05-03 13:58
文章: 126
來自: 旺角
owen4880 寫:
dunn 寫:
I am also using 掛缸濾水 and DIY CO2 (1.25L bottle) in a similar tank. But, I have no problem in having bubbles from 鹿角苔. I think your major problem is the light, I have 1 11W PL, one 18" Superlight FL tube and one oridinary FL tube. When I turn on all three, 鹿角苔 usually gives bubbles in 4 hours (a bit slow, but still have plenty of bubbles).

To check whether the light is the critical factor in your case, try to hang the 鹿角苔 near the PL light. If bubbles come out, that means you have to get a better lighting system.

Also, you ligth time is too short, try to increase it at least to 8 hr.

其實有無泡有好多原因....因為你夠光, 所以掛缸濾水未必有影響

Hi owen,

I entirely agree with you that there are many factors would affect this, but what i am saying is, in kex's case, ligth is most likely the limiting factor.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 14:16 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
Hi Kex,

I am using two "AA" brand FL hood. Each of them can put 2 FL tube. For FL tube in 18", it is fixed at 15W each. Although in figure wise it is in 60W, I doubt that I had only 30W to the water because of the poor reflection of the hood design (well, or in every other brand as well)

Remember only 25% of the light is directly shoot on the water. Both side is block by adjacent tube ......etc.

Therefore, I found some improvement when I use Hagen Life-Glo tube (with internal reflector)

You can search the old post "FL" and will see a lot of types of FL tube. Personally, I don't care about what is tri-phosphur, how many Ks....etc. As long as the light is pleasing to my eyes, plants continue to grow, fish is swimming, easy temperature management, then it is acceptable.

Good luck.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 14:18 

註冊時間: 2002-04-30 14:06
文章: 221
來自: Kowloon City
Forget one thing, most of the shop in fishstreet has AA brand or other FL lighting to sell. Someone use AA and had bad experience before. Maybe the only criteria is the appearance and price....(smile)

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 14:20 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8
多謝各友的相助 again,

因為我的變形蟲 PL 燈管 25W 7200K係新買的 , 又買的話 , 難過老細個關 , what is the recommended PL light (if i go and buy a new one - PL tube only) for a tank like mine (16 x 10 x 8 ) ?

I apologize for any inconvenience casued ....

many many thxs again,

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-07-02 15:55 

註冊時間: 2002-07-02 11:30
文章: 8
多謝各友的相助. 萬分感激!感激!感激!

請問 OSRAM or Philips 36W PL860 is suitable for my tank ?

many many thxs

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