In Japan, Bee refers to Æp¥Û½¼, Black Bee refers to Æp¥Û½¼, and Red Bee refers to ¬õ¤ô´¹½¼. Some Japanese breeder call Black Zebra for Æp¥Û½¼, and Red Zebra for ¬õ¤ô´¹½¼. I think Crystal Red is a registered trademark, other breeders in Japan cannot use it, so they have to use Red Zebra, Red Bee and I saw one call it Red Shrimp.
In Japan, New Bee refer to »e¸Á½¼, however, they are many species of Bee-like shrimp, other than Æp¥Û½¼, New Bee may not be the exact species that u commonly found in Tong Choi Street.
utopia13 and ¤p¸â are right in both sense.
New Bee (»e¸Á½¼, In Japan sense is new, but common in HK, and many part of Asia and USA, it is not new) is confused by Westerner, as you can see many article written by westerner claim that ¬õ¤ô´¹½¼ is derived from »e¸Á½¼.
That could also due to the translation of Japanese article to English.
I saw a Japan breeder selling Æp¥Û½¼ from Hong Kong, they call it "Hong Kong Black Bee" to differentiate from it own Bee (Æp¥Û½¼).