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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-16 09:54 

註冊時間: 2004-05-16 11:00
文章: 45
A very rough/draft of an auto water changing system for betta is at the diagram.

But do know whether it is really workable. Pls advise in details. Thks a lot in advance!!

A lot of questions, including:
1) how to adjust precisely the in/out water flow for individual tanks in order to avoid (a) overflowing, and (b) too much tubulence to the betta??
2) how to calculate the power for the filter pump (the size of each tank is 6"x6"x6")???
3) Would the system powerful enough to suck up the dirty substances at the bottom of the tanks???
4) how to incorporate an UV water tank to further sterlize the water??


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-16 10:31 

註冊時間: 2004-02-28 01:09
文章: 215

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-16 11:09 

註冊時間: 2001-08-28 08:00
文章: 12412
來自: 香港-屯門
所有缸仔, 都應該有一個去水位, 會係側邊開洞, 一定係低過魚缸擔位, 或者係底開洞, 加條膠管伸向水面, 亦都係低過擔位, 咁就唔怕會有滿水危險, 而所有去水喉都會集中晒一齊,排到去水渠.

而入水亦好少會係底抽上去, 多數都係將儲水缸放係頂, 一開制, 就水向底流, 注入各小缸架.

呢個係換水系統, 而唔係中央濾水系統呀.

而如果係濾水系統, 原理其實都係一樣, 只不過就好似你咁, 將本來要排走既水, 集中返一齊, 注入沙缸做過濾, 再用PUMP 抽返上去各小缸.

多多交流, 多多研究, 多多搜尋

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-16 22:58 

註冊時間: 2004-05-16 11:00
文章: 45
SuperCTW 寫:
所有缸仔, 都應該有一個去水位, 會係側邊開洞, 一定係低過魚缸擔位, 或者係底開洞, 加條膠管伸向水面, 亦都係低過擔位, 咁就唔怕會有滿水危險, 而所有去水喉都會集中晒一齊,排到去水渠.

而入水亦好少會係底抽上去, 多數都係將儲水缸放係頂, 一開制, 就水向底流, 注入各小缸架.

呢個係換水系統, 而唔係中央濾水系統呀.

而如果係濾水系統, 原理其實都係一樣, 只不過就好似你咁, 將本來要排走既水, 集中返一齊, 注入沙缸做過濾, 再用PUMP 抽返上去各小缸.

Thanks for the info!. Any real set-up photos &/or diagrams for better understanding, pls?!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-17 00:28 

註冊時間: 2004-08-15 13:09
文章: 1179
來自: 香港島
Do not make thing complicated!
Please see attached.
1. refer to your fluck tank,
2. 2 cycles/hour x totat volume of your tank,
3. change the filter frequently,
4. Sorry, no answer. I know nothing about UV. :c :c


琉璃世界波光影 流轉逍遙逐水城
回首前塵疑是夢 迷濛醉眼羨魚情

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-19 21:54 

註冊時間: 2004-05-16 11:00
文章: 45
[quote="果汁先生"]Do not make thing complicated!
Please see attached.
1. refer to your fluck tank,
2. 2 cycles/hour x totat volume of your tank,
3. change the filter frequently,
4. Sorry, no answer. I know nothing about UV. :c :c[/ quote]


First of all, thanks for yr comments. But what did u mean by "your fluck tank"?! Did u mean "fuxk"? If so, fuxk u too!!

Also, refer to yr "fluck tank", how could it clean up the dirts at the bottom of the tanks?? Do u mean that u will suck those dirts by hand again? Then what is the point to construct such auto system in the first place??

What a very simple but useless set-up! Just like those cars in Flinstone movie: very simple cars but without any engine and need yr bare legs to mobilise them!!

What a pity that u think u r smart but indeed it's clear it is just the opposite!

Absolutely right not to make things complicated. But equally important, simplicity without proper function means nothing !!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-19 23:37 

註冊時間: 2004-08-15 13:09
文章: 1179
來自: 香港島
You say dirty thing because you have mis-understood what I meant.
I intended to say " Just refer to the mechanism we found in most the flush tank in the toilet - when water level goes down, the tap turns on, and turns off when it reaches a predetermined level. "
I forgive you. Bye.

琉璃世界波光影 流轉逍遙逐水城
回首前塵疑是夢 迷濛醉眼羨魚情

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-10-22 19:24 

註冊時間: 2004-05-16 11:00
文章: 45
果汁先生 寫:
You say dirty thing because you have mis-understood what I meant.
I intended to say " Just refer to the mechanism we found in most the flush tank in the toilet - when water level goes down, the tap turns on, and turns off when it reaches a predetermined level. "
I forgive you. Bye.

Oops! a total mis-understanding. Say sorry to u! :-n05

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