Fans 寫:
Hi Jimmy,
Seattle is a beautiful city so you are lucky of being a dweller in there. Like many other cities, Hong Kong is suffering a serious problem of air pollution, you know where is the dirty air coming from? The Pearl River Delta Area (PRD), even though you are living in US, a country with stringent policy against the China goods, you could find not many things are not made in China in your home today, isn’t it? They are from the “world’s factory”, PRD. Well, back to your question, Hong Kong is too close to PRD so everything from this “neighbour” is cheaper than elsewhere; too we have no GST (goods and services tax). That’s the deal, live better pay higher.
However, I am still a man who loves Hong Kong very much, 2 aspects, first is over 50% such as transportation facilities, culture, job opportunities and Fish Street I counted are scoring “better” than other countries, second is something I like or owned already which the other countries will never do better such as Cow Tummy Noodles, Roast Pig/Duck/Cha Siu, Dim Sum and a group of old friends.
Fei Fei,
Please clean your house first:
“you shall be said "does anyone feel the same thing who live outside in hk?? your english shouldn't be worst than us because you have been live in American for 15 yrs.... ”
SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS:you should say “does anyone feel the same thing who lives outside in hk?? Your English shouldn’t be worse than us because you have been living in America for 15 yrs…..
Yes, i agree my type-pro mistake... thanks for correct me............