shui 寫:
果汁先生 寫:
No fan could lower the room temp by .00001 degree. Believe me.
Our body temp is 98.4F which is about 36.5C, and so the alcohol carries the extra heat (36.5- 32) from the skin and we feel cool. (Heat gained and heat lost)
If the room temp is 32C and the water is 30C, the temp of the water will eventualluy reach a degree of 32C.
What you said is correct if the air are fully saturated with water i.e. relative humidity reaches 100%. In a "normal case" that the relative humidity is below 100%, increase in ventiluation can lower the water temperature. Your idea is correct if you use a fan to blow on something that will not evapourate e.g. a piece of iron.
If you still do not believe this, you may just do a small experiment to see if it works.
如果空氣的濕度等於100%, 那就等於在水中了。
在水中不能產生"揮發"作用, 因"揮發"只能在水面發生。
因為, 水份子要從水面"逃走"到空氣之中, 是需要一定的機率。
處於水面的水份子, 速度越高, "逃走"到空氣之中的機會越大。
所以, 室溫越高, 水份子的能量越高, 揮發的機會越大。
總之, 有揮發的作用產生, 就可使水溫下降。
1. 將水加熱 (這個不行, 因為這連帶水的溫度也提高)
2. 增力水面和空氣之間的接觸面 (這個不行, 因為魚缸的濶度被限制。)
3. 減低空氣中的濕度 (開抽濕機/冷氣機.... )
4. 減低水面氣壓, 使水份子更易走到空氣之中 (開風扇在水面上, 水平方向吹)