Ken T 寫:
果汁先生 寫:
..............某日忙裡偷閒, 途徑大潭水塘山澗, 看見一小池內(約一立方米), 水清見底, 除了枯葉, 內還有小魚, 小蝦,水藻, 自給自足, 悠閒自得.
匪夷所思, 能否將這個生態環境搬到室內的缸中?

這是"能否將這個生態環境搬到室內的缸中?" 既Main Point....

Hi Ken T
Yes yes, there is in-flow and out-flow.
I think I've got your point. The intake carries food and create oxygen while the overflow diverts the waste away. This is a cycle.
Please correct me if it is not true.
Hi 湯米
I'll adopt your configuration because it is within my budget. It's a very good configuration!
I'll try to set up one and see if mine can be better than yours (just kidding).
Many thanks for your proposal. It suites me well.
Hi Winz
People favor beauty always. They capture very lovely scenario and recall them from time to time.
Some people, like most of us here, try to simulate their favor in real life. I am one of them.
Nice to talk with you.
The pen of my writing pad loses its pen-up function .
Hope you won't mind.