hello all,
好消息, 終於等到la...
市政局的香港中央圖書館終於剛剛把一本非常好書release la:
書名: Aquarium Plants
著者: Kasselmann, Christel.
出版者: Malabar, Fla. : Krieger Pub. Co., 2003.
ISBN: 1575240912
索書號: 635.9674 KAS
這是一本由德文translate英文的書. 是我暫時見到最好, 最接近自然生態的approach去介紹種草理論的水草書, 有7個水草主要環境的介紹, 有超過300種水草詳細介紹. 505頁.
http://www.tropica.com/article.asp?type ... tic&id=536
我給大家看看content, 以作reference:
Aquatic and Marsh Plants in Their Natural Habitats
- Environment Factors
- Seasonal Influences, Vegetation Rhythm, and types of Waterays
- Climate Rhythmics
- Adaptation Characteristics of Aquatic and Marsh Plants
- Description of Selected Natural Habitats
The Importance of Ecological Factors in the Cultivation of Aquarium Plants
- Aquarium Temperature
- Light in the Aquarium
- The Aquarium Substrate
- Water in Aquarium
Flower Marphology
- Flower Structure
- Forms of Inflorescence
Flower Biology
- Pollination by Animals, Wind, Water
- Flower Biology in Hydrocharitaceae
Sexual Propagation of Aquarium Plants
- Sowing and Growing
- Cultivation of Aquarium Plants
Vegetative Propagation of Aquarium Plants
- Cuttings
- Runners
- Adventitious Plants
- Bulbils and Brood Tubers
- Propagation of Certain Floating Plants
- Propagation by Tissue or Meristem Culture
- Practical Application of Propagation by Tissue or Meristem Culture
The Correct Choice of Aquarium Plants
- Genuine Aquatic Plants
- Distinguishing Aquatic and Marsh Plants
- Fast-Growing Marsh Plants
- Slow-Glowing Marsh Plants
- Plants Unsuitable for Aquariums
The Design of Plant Aquaria
Aquarium Plants From A to Z
- the Aponogeton Genus
- the Cryptocoryne Genus
- the Echinodorus Genus
- the Lagenandra Genus
- the Vallisneria Genus
- family Lemnaceae
Newly Introduced Aquarium Plants
- New Echinodorus Cultivars
Appendixes 1: Temperature Tolerance of Important Aquarium Plants
Appendixes 2: Light Requirements of Aquarium Plants
Appendixes 3: Leaf Shapes
Appendixes 4: Leaf Arrangements
Appendixes 5: Margin, Apex, Leaf Base
Appendixes 6: Frequently Used Common Names of Aquarium Plants
note: 可是本書始終是德國出, 本書沒有太多的太陽草, 也沒有太新的草種, 真可惜! 最遺憾是作者說Eriocaulon sp. (殼精屬)的草, 還未能在水族箱中繁殖 ^^". 如果係椒草fans, 就一定要看看tim ar... 因為作者是椒草介的master.
http://www.krieger-publishing.com/html/ ... kk_31.html
如果你們想訂購這本書, 可到這裡:
http://www.krieger-publishing.com/html/ ... annSpecial
他們做special offer, 用surface mail, 一本郵費US$11.20 (大約訂購之後3星期送到). 我不知道集體訂, 郵費、書費會不會再平宜一點, 自己要發一個e-mail問問了.
http://www.aquatic-store.com/en-us/dept_428.html 找到比krieger publishing更平, 但只剩下一本, 我不知道是否有international shipping. 問問吧!
amazon.com 現在也有special offer 了.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=books
在這裡訂書, 郵費比較平, 而且就算你訂超過一本的書籍, 也只計一本書的郵費!! 好抵ar!! 可惜他們每本也要收手續費! (但acceptable) 再想平d, 對一對不同國家的匯率 ... 例如: 英磅平d, 就去amazon.co.uk訂購, 但最近美金gum"強", 我估去美國那邊訂, 會是最平了. (可能去加拿大那邊會有so, 但加紙近這星期升了不少 ><, 你們自己check check la)