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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-06-09 15:08 

註冊時間: 2003-03-20 12:19
文章: 52
來自: MaOnShan, TWGSS, CUHK
There are more and more sites similar to this coming up, and you can easily find others also registered in other sites and some of them actually post same topic in every site they registered.
So what I would like to discuss here with all big brothers are
a) Why Taiwan politician failed in the past 2 election (split the parties into 2 and split the votes) - any thing we can learn from that and apply here (not talking about HK politician, please)
b) What do you think is most important for a successful site, I have some in my mind, but please feel free to add - features (photo gallery, my phote album, ....), stability of the site, cumulative info - plenty useful result from search, helpful info, peacefulness, .....
c) What you like most in this site - we should respect SuperCTW here, please do not rank this site with other sites.

Here is my thinking on the above
a) I hope we can leverage on each other sites and have a SUPER fish web - no need to scan each site everyday. It is not a win or loss scenario, just better use of resource
b) Feature > cumulative info > culture
c) Feature and cumulative info

SuperCTW, if this is not appropriate, please feel free to remove. Thanks for your great work!!

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-06-09 15:39 

註冊時間: 2003-10-08 14:00
文章: 64
來自: Iraq
Every site has it's own unique culture and visitors. Therefore although the same subject is posted in difference sites, difference feebacks and views can be collected. This is the reason why the same advertisement usually can be seen in both TVB and ATV. This is obviously not a waste of resource as we do not have to pay to register and post subject.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-06-10 04:01 

註冊時間: 2001-10-11 08:00
文章: 2592
來自: Europa
Every site is a small community, some like to stay in one or just a few communities, some like to go all the places he/she could find, just like normal life. And popularity of a site certainly have nothing to do with technical stuffs if its in acceptable level; IMHO, two factors, people and luck.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-06-16 13:07 

註冊時間: 2004-04-15 21:37
文章: 15
來自: 浸會
I think that to become a successful site, besides having great content. The key part is the members here. Everyone in this discussion board are friendly and are willing to answer your questions. Without these people, no matter how great and updated content you have, there's still something important missing, it's their friendly hands.

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2004-07-08 17:11 

註冊時間: 2003-12-29 19:52
文章: 48
來自: Vancouver UBCer
My first visited 水草 web site is "水草情迷" and I have learned a lot from the site even I don't reply or post threads very often; Every time I have trouble with my 草缸 and my fish tank, I check out here for solutions and mostly the problems would be solved. I really appreciate those people from 水草情迷 forum who don't mind to take time talking about their solutions and experiences or even sharing their problems sometimes; That's what i like about being here. :-n05

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