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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 20:44 

註冊時間: 2003-11-28 11:41
文章: 35
來自: NZ
Need help

This afternoon when I went home all thte Guppy is breathing in the surface of the water........but other fish 20 Neon, 2 Patties, 5 Triangle Light is really happy.

And I check the PH which is ok...about 6.5 - 7...
then I rush to the fish shop to have my water check....

the result is the Nitrate rate is too high!!!

And they ask me to buy the Cycle (Bacteria to oxidra the NO3) it said on the box.

But the fish keep dying................help

How to reduce Nitrate?

and my tank is 91L, with a lot of plants, using Aquaclear 200...
please save the fish......

3 have already passed away.....remaining are still struggling on the water surface.

Other Q I would like to add a filter,,,,should I add a Canister filter form Via Aqua...or add another Aqua Clear 200? My one have add the Ehiem Sustract on it?

Thanks whos read and repply!

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 20:57 

註冊時間: 2001-08-28 08:00
文章: 12412
來自: 香港-屯門
嗯, 開缸多久呀, 成熟了的過濾系統, 好少 Nitrate 會突然升高呀.

多多交流, 多多研究, 多多搜尋

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 21:03 

註冊時間: 2003-11-28 11:41
文章: 35
來自: NZ
Thanks Super

Just 3 weeks...................
so how to decrease the Nitrate rate?

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 21:04 

註冊時間: 2001-08-28 08:00
文章: 12412
來自: 香港-屯門

多多交流, 多多研究, 多多搜尋

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 21:14 

註冊時間: 2003-01-28 21:07
文章: 92
來自: Vancouver
Your fishload is too high for a 3 week tank.
Since your fish is dying, I would do some water changes to dilute whatever is in the tank (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate). This will slow down the cyling process but save the fish... :a

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-01 21:27 

註冊時間: 2003-11-28 11:41
文章: 35
來自: NZ
Thanks Small and Super....I think I will change water...but I just saw on the net that it said the natural fishs are less tolerant the Nitrate rise and the Guppy is raised by my friend in her garden is it related?

There is also another q I am thinking to put one more filter in because the one is not enough for my tank and in NZ which Ehiem and Fluval is really expensive and unaffordable which costs up to 350-400NZD..........

the poprosal on hand is add another AqaClear 200 and put 生物環 in it or buy a Via Aqua 濾桶 which cost 150NZD here.

I know it just cost 300HKD but it is no point to order form HK...
which should i choose?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-02 18:47 

註冊時間: 2003-01-28 21:07
文章: 92
來自: Vancouver
Wild Caught (is it what you mean by "natural"?) can be more sensitive then human breeded fish. But since your guppies come from your friend's garden, it really cannot be classifiied as "natural". Guppies require a basic pH, but you said your tank's pH is 6.5~7. Maybe that's one of reasons why your guppies are suffereing while other fish is happy, asides from the high nitrate.

Your tank is 91L (around 25gallon), I think an AC 200 is adequate for your tank size since its flowrate is 200gph. But since you have a high fishload, it wouldn't hurt to have more or better filtration. If your interest is to keep plants, get the canister filter instead of another AC 200 coz it won't generate any surface turbulence that could drive co2 away (in case you are injecting now, or in future)

The general rule of thumb is that the filter should turn the tank water 5 - 10 times per hour. In a healthy planted tank, around 5 times is enough.

hope this helps...~~ :a

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-12-03 08:14 

註冊時間: 2003-11-28 11:41
文章: 35
來自: NZ
Thanks again
The water have been changed about 20L was changed but the fish is keep dying..................

I will do another water change and put more cycle in it ]
Thanks for advise

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